Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 35 – PAST & FUTURE


I had a disturbed sleep last night waking up at 5am. I managed to get back to sleep and awoke again at 7am. I checked my twitter feed  and discovered the horrifying news about the terrorist attack in Manchester. I cried. I couldn’t cope with the sad news about another attack especially one which struck at our young people. This is cruel, beyond comprehension.  I contemplated the morning and realised how beautiful a day it was. A single bird remained atop a tree, not moving so I picked up my mobile phone and captured it. Seconds later it flew away. If only those young people could have flown away. If only that man hadn’t done what he did.

unnamed (17)

How ironic. The sun shone, but how could this be? How are we to continue when such atrocities happen? I suppose the answer is we have no choice; we have to, or the terrorists will win. So, I wiped my tears and tried to do something positive. I went for a walk. I hadn’t planned to take photos, but I did.   I’m sharing these at the end of my post, as a way to heal heartache. Life has to go on, but sometimes (being a parent,) you can’t help but feel the pain of such a devastating loss. To lose a child. This shouldn’t happen. Ever.

So today I am dedicating my Tanka to all the youngsters who lost their lives in Manchester, to their families and friends and to those who are still missing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

It's NationalBourbon Day! (1)


This is in response to Colleen’s challenge:

Here are my photos of Emmaus, a charity for the homeless near me. It’s a great place to go to for a cup of tea and cake. There is a garden, ample parking places and everything you buy goes towards helping the homeless. I bought several new mugs, and a couple of other things, and snapped photos of their recycled art sculptures, their hens roaming in the garden, bee area, and several quirky bits and pieces. It helped. A little.

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Take care, stay safe.



Published by

Marje @ Kyrosmagica

Hi. Welcome to my blog: M J Mallon - Kyrosmagica Publishing. A blog about magic, books, writing, laughter, and much more! I'm a YA fantasy author, poet and reviewer. My first YA fantasy novel The Curse of Time - Book 1 - Bloodstone is set in Cambridge and Book 2 - Golden Healer is now out too. As well as this, I have contributed to several anthologies, created my own with some amazing international writers, bloggers and creatives during the pandemic: This Is Lockdown and written two poetry collections: Lockdown Innit Poems About Absurdity & Mr. Sagittarius Poetry and Prose. I write book reviews on my blog and on Goodreads, book bub and on my bookstagram. I have a penchant for travel and have relatives in far flung places, Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore, (my birthplace.) I grew up in in Bonnie Scotland, in Edinburgh, and now live in Cambridge. I love sunny, hot places, particularly Rome, Venice, Portugal, Barcelona, and I forgot to mention the sun drenched beaches of the Caribbean, how could I? I am lucky to have been blessed with two lovely daughters and a husband who I fondly refer to in this blog as my black sheep. Family joke! With my passion for travel, culture, beautiful beaches, good food, books, theatre, writing, and humour, I hope to keep you entertained. I'm loving every minute of this creative journey, please join me.

24 thoughts on “Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 35 – PAST & FUTURE”

  1. Oh, Marje… my heart goes out to beloved English people. Your Haibun and poetry is a testament to the young people who perished at the hand of evil. I cried reading your words. Your message is clear and concise – some of the best writing I’ve read. I send you hugs and love. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Colleen, this morning I cried, deeply moved by this terrible act of terror. It is beyond belief. We live in such a beautiful world. I cannot begin to comprehend it, I doubt I ever will. I believe that our children,(of all colours, creeds, religious,) are precious and no one should hurt them or anyone else for that matter in the name of a cause. Murder is murder. Terror is never justifiable. Thank you for your kind words. Much love Marje xx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on Colleen Chesebro ~ Fairy Whisperer and commented:
    Marje shares her thoughts and experiences in the form of a Haibun to the Manchester, UK terror attack yesterday. I was deeply moved by her words and my love and prayers go out to the people affected by this tragedy. ❤


    1. It is my way of coping with a world that is heading towards a place I daren’t imagine. Life is precious. Our children are precious. All cultures, religions should live together harmoniously, respecting each other. Acts such as these divide humanity. When are we ever going to learn that we are all the same? All just humans. No more, no less. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I worry for my daughters growing up in this world Judy. I have had a good old innings already…. hope to have a few more years yet to publish a few books I hope. But, they have their whole lives ahead of them. It’s horrible to grow up in a world where events such as these are becoming more and more commonplace. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh Marje it’s just awful, and your poem is so beautiful, I needed a tissue . . . again. May there be peace on earth and praise the lord – good will toward men, women and children. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Marje. What a horrible tragedy. I don’t understand acts of terrorism. It’s hard to believe that there are people like these living amongst us. What an emotive poem. It touched me. There are very young people in my life that I worry about also. I have tears in my eyes. I pray things get better soon. Beautiful, insightful words and poetry. ❤ xx


    1. Hi Vashti. Yes, it is truly hard to comprehend. Just yesterday I was talking to my youngest daughter about it and she said she doesn’t want to go to concerts anymore, and fears for her boyfriend who has booked to go to a concert soon. It just isn’t right that this has happened. Those poor children, youngsters, mothers, fathers and friends. Thank you for your kind words Vashti. 🙂 xxx


    1. I don’t know, truly I don’t. I do worry for our young people, it just seems to be getting worse and worse. All we can do is try to keep as positive as we can. Even in tragedy there is hope and evidence of heroism. Perhaps that is what we must focus on.

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  5. It really is so overwhelming to think of the Manchester incident.. And I can only imagine how it kept you awake in the early morning.. The bird is a sign perhaps of how quickly life “flies” by.. let’s hold onto this precious gift called life xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, the world we live in has so much sadness but we must persist, carry on and hope for some light to shine upon us all. Even in such a dreadful tragedy there is evidence of the power of humanity to heal in the selfless acts of heroism 🙂

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