Thursday Doors: Christ’s College Cambridge

This is Norm’s short paragraph telling us all about his link up: Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing it, between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time), by using the blue link-up button below. 

I was on my lunch break from work. It was such a sunny, pleasant day so rather than going for a coffee and cake I decided to go door hunting!

It didn’t take me long to find this beauty. Isn’t it amusing how there’s a bike propped just outside – that’s so Cambridge!

Marje @Kyrosmagica
Marje @ Kyrosmagica- Christ’s College, Cambridge

Isn’t it a stunning door?

Hope you enjoyed my Thursday Doors, do pop over to Norm’s blog to join in the fun:

Norm’s Thursday Doors – Oct 6th


Bye for now, back to my editing!



Thursday Doors : Edinburgh Queen’s Gallery



For this week’s Thursday doors I’m focusing on my recent day trip to Edinburgh. I’ve been in Glasgow for a few days with my hubby and some friends so I popped over to Edinburgh to see my mum and dad. We went for a Chinese dim sum lunch and then mum and I took the bus to Hollyrood Palace. Here’s a photo of the crags of Arthur’s Seat.


Now for the doors. The Queen’s Gallery –  an art gallery at Holyrood Palace complex.


And here it is with a bit of a magic wand makeover… From Prisma.. Using the Gothic touch.



This gateway… leads to the tea room where we had a very royal Cappucino.




Hope you liked my Thursday doors post. If you share your posts on Twitter and Instagram remember to use the #ThursdayDoors hastag. If you’d like to join in Norm’s Thursday doors here’s the link to his blog to do so: Norm’s Thursday Doors

Bye for now,




Thursday Doors and Emotography Showcase: Glasgow University


Here’s the info on Thursday Doors via Norm:

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing it, between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time), by using the blue link-up button below. 

Do pop over to Norm’s blog to join in the fun: Thursday Doors – Norm Frampton

If you share your post on Twitter and Instagram don’t forget to use the #ThursdayDoors.

I’ve been saving a few photos of doors because they’re real special. I discovered them on my recent trip to Glasgow. I went adventuring for the day on my own (my hubby was at The Golf Open with his pal.) I didn’t mind that one bit. It gave me a chance to do exactly what I wanted for a day!  Sounds a bit selfish but sometimes a bit of Me Time is just what we need. I had a lovely old time treating myself to  ice cream in Kelvingrove Park, watching the skate boarders, and lunching in Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. I had lots of opportunity to go…. wait for it…. door searching! There’s no chance I could have done all this with hubby in tow. He would have been tugging me away, or walking so fast (he has long legs,) that I’d miss out on all these wonderful opportunities.

Doors bring me back to my childhood, and my love for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. This alternative land of Narnia, reached via a wardrobe really did enthrall my young self, and developed my love of fantasy.

I’m sharing the emotion behind these doors for Claudette’s Emotography link up. Her blog can be reached via this link:

The principal idea behind Claudette’s Emotography project is to share an emotion that your photographs evokes. For me, photos of doors in general, and these in particular make me feel free. They celebrate my freedom to do what I want!! To walk through such amazing entrances to explore, to discover new wonderful experiences, perhaps to lead me to places which I’d never have imagined, and to share my deep love of learning. Doors have such potential, they can lead you to so many amazing possibilities. Yes, I just love doors. I’m an addict! There’s no cure.

Without anymore rambling chit chat it’s time for the big reveal…… and these are big doors!

With dark mysterious attitude…


Pretty stunning, that’s some door. Wouldn’t you love to walk through and explore?

I love photography, whether it’s doors, trees, people, sunsets, or places. It’s always nice to try out new things, and create new images. You may be interested to know that I’ve discovered this app called Prisma. A  tool to jazz up your photography….and share on Instagram etc…. oops another thing to get addicted too! Quick, look away!

In their words:  Be an artist! Turn your photos into awesome artworks:
– Modern art filters!
– Stunning photo effects.

The app is available on i-tunes, and google play.

I used the Transverse line filter to get this look below…



Here’s another view of a door in the same magnificent building.. taken without any filters. I like the suggestion of light on the right side of the photo, contrasting with the dark. Yes, I have a thing about darkness/light.


Here’s how it turned out with Prisma…. see how addictive this can be!! I went a bit crazy and used the candy filter to get this colourful effect …  What fun! A door with a sweet touch.


See what I mean – these doors are so incredible aren’t they? Imagine stepping through these magnificent entrances into a world of learning. I really envy students at Glasgow University! Oh, if only I had a time machine with a cracking door to travel back to my student years….

Still never say never, maybe one day I’ll have enough cash to do an M.A in Creative Writing. Now, that would be something!

Next time I will be sharing some Edinburgh doors…. Being an Edinburgh girl, (I spent my teenage years in Edinburgh,) It’d be remiss of me not to! Edinburgh tends to be a bit posh so expect something pretty classy.

Hope you enjoyed my post for Norm’s Thursday Doors, and Claudette’s Emotography project.

Bye for now. Oh, before I go perhaps you’d like to check out my previous Glasgow photography posts.

Here’s the links in case you’re interested:

Glasgow Inspiring City Award

Glasgow University, Hogwarts and Kelvingrove Park

Here’s me and my imaginary cat signing off for a bit of Me Time.. imaginary cat you say, why? My husband and youngest daughter are allergic –  so no real cats for me.. sigh..



My fun (totally not serious but nevertheless 90% true,) author bio on Wattpad – Link below.

Marjorie Mallon was born in Lion City: Singapore. She grew up in a mountainous court in Hong Kong. Her crazy parents dragged her  spotty soul away from her exotic childhood and her much loved dog Topsy to the frozen wastelands of Scotland. There she mastered Scottish country dancing, haggis bashing, bagpipe playing and a whole new Och Aye lingo. 
As a teenager she travelled to many far flung destinations to visit her abacus wielding wayfarer dad. On one such occasion a  barracuda swam by. It stopped to view her  bikini clad body, longing to take a big bite. With dogs' fangs replacing barracudas' teeth, she returned to her mother's birthplace: Kuching, Cat City. There, Blackie, a black-hearted dog sniffed her frightened butt, whimpered and ran away! Shortly after this extraordinary event an angry female Orang-Utan chased her unfit ass out of the Malaysian jungle believing that she was a threat to her babies! She still monkeys about, would love to own a cat, or a replacement Topsy but refuses to entertain  murderous dogs, or over-protective monkeys.
It's rumoured that she lives in the Venice of Cambridge, with her six foot hunk of a Rock God husband, and her two enchanted daughters. 
After such an upbringing her author's mind has taken total leave of its senses. When she's not writing, she eats exotic delicacies while belly dancing, or surfs to the far reaches of the moon. To chill out she practises Tai Chi and Yoga on the crest of a wave. If the mood takes her she goes snorkelling with mermaids, or signs up for idyllic holidays with the Chinese Unicorn, whose magnificent voice sings like a thousand wind chimes. 

She is a child of the light and the dark. Her motto is simply this: Do what you love,  stay true to your heart's desires, remain young at heart, and  inspire others to do so, even if it appears that the odds are stacked like black hearted shadows against you...


My Links: 






#ThursdayDoors: A Church Door before the Dentist!

For #ThursdayDoors:

Here’s a tiled image of a door I found in my neighbouring village Histon – it’s the door of Histon Baptist Church on Station Road.

It never ceases to amaze me where you find a door. This one was on the way to the Dentist! I was just about to go for a scale and polish and there she was shouting out for me to photograph her! Isn’t she a beauty?

Here she is in a bigger individual photo – all red and shiny, no don’t worry -it’s not my mouth…


Anyway, the dental hygienist did a fantastic job. It didn’t hurt much at all, but I did get quite drenched… no not the rain… the device to clean my teeth was pretty full on!

If you’d like to join in the #ThursdayDoors fun here’s the link up to Norm’s blog: Norm’s Thursday Doors.

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing it, between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time), by using the blue link-up button on Norm’s blog. 

Oh, and I just found this for Thursday Doors enthusiasts: door_embassy on Instagram: Door Embassy

Hope you enjoyed my #ThursdayDoors post.. I wonder where I’ll find my next door…

Bye for now,


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

Thursday Doors: A Bit of Toilet Humour!!


Last week Norm featured some oddball doors on his post : Norm’s Thursday Doors  so I thought I’d do something a bit quirky for this week’s Thursday Doors.

Here’s the info from Norm’s blog re: Thursday Doors:

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun by creating your own Thursday Doors post each week and then sharing it, between Thursday morning and Saturday noon (North American eastern time), by using the blue link-up button on Norm’s blog:  Norm’s Thursday Doors April 28th 2016

I’ve got just the door and accessories in mind….   A toilet door! Sorry I did warn you this was a quirky post.

Well it’s colourful isn’t it, ladies? The image is a bit blurry, no I wasn’t inebriated when I took it! I was stone cold sober I swear! Sorry that it’s a bit out of focus but my phone wasn’t impressed by my taking a photo of a toilet door! Given that the post is a bit bonkers I don’t suppose that the blurry image matters too much.


Perhaps the door isn’t as interesting  or as amusing as the unusual signs that live just beyond the toilet door. Someone’s got a sense of humour..

These two images …. certainly made my toilet visit entertaining.


I don’t think I’ll wash my feet in the sink… but thanks for the reminder… we’re in Cambridge not a beach resort!!

I took these photos after having a lovely Thai meal at Thaikun Cambridge.  I was with my youngest daughter.

InstagramCapture_872218b4-77f1-478d-a182-a9710c2f6275     InstagramCapture_73311987-a48d-4469-a3db-85be799eb9d8

The food  and décor are great. Their slogan (From the Streets of Bangkok,) is just right. Both times I’ve eaten there it’s been first class, so do go there, have a lovely meal – but whatever you do don’t forget to visit their unusual loo before you go!

The image to the left (below,) is one you often see but the one to the right…. is this a new yoga pose best perfected on a toilet seat? The hover pose? And the person on the toilet kind of looks a bit like he’s got either a long neck like ET, or no neck at all. In fact I suspect that head is in fact a balloon masquerading as a head! Hope it doesn’t go bang and give the person in the next cubicle a dreadful fright!

So you never know what lurks beyond a door….fascinating things doors.

Hope you like my jokey post for this week’s Thursday Doors! Sorry for being so bonkers Norm! I promise to do something more conventional, and cultural next time!

Do join in the fun at Norm’s blue link up post for this week’s Thursday Doors: Norm’s Thursday Doors

Bye for now,



Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx