RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #136 Eye&Fade




I’m in the mood for poetry today! Started off writing two Tanka poems for Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday and then realised I hadn’t done anything for Valentine’s.  To remedy this faux pas I decided to take a gander at Ronovan’s prompt words this week hoping they were a little valentine related and sure enough Eye and Fade were perfect, so I wrote this haiku…




To join in with Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge follow the link: Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge


Happy Valentines!!!


Much love,


Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge: Magic And Stars


It has been an age since I have written any haiku. Sigh!

Recently  Denis at haiku hound commented on one of my posts, but added – where are your haiku? Good point Denis – his comment prompted me to write this post! Thanks so much for the encouragement. 🙂

Denis is a keen haiku poet, photographer and also has some stunning afghan hounds – do check out his blog:  Haiku Hound – Afghan Hounds

I have really missed joining in with Ronovan’s weekly challenge. Unfortunately I have just been so busy job hunting, editing my manuscript, etc, etc.

Good news – I now have a new job… More about that soon. It’s a bit of a secret. Kyrosmagica likes secrets but all will be revealed soon. But one things for certain I doubt that you will guess what my new job is, as it is quite unusual.

This weeks prompt really caught my attention… Magic and stars. Kyrosmagica is all about the magical moments in life whether it’s simply reading a book, walking and observing the beauty all around us or engaging in creative endeavours. Kyrosmagica also tries to reflect on the deeper aspects of life – you can’t have light without a touch of darkness… But today, I’m feeling lighthearted so let’s celebrate love with Ronovan’s beautiful prompt words magic and stars!

My haiku is inspired by my recent visit to Tavira, in the Portugese Algarve. To find out more about Tavira do visit this excellent website: Tavira Uncovered. In this quaint town there is a bridge dedicated to love! All along the bridge padlocks are attached, with the names of partners, husbands, wives, and lovers!

This particularly bright pink padlock caught my eye. I do hope that Stefan and Claudia are still together!


Magical Fireworks Explode

Stars twinkle brightly,

Magical fireworks explode,

When I’m near to you.


Stars padlocked our love,

In magical Tavira,

Love you forever.


The key’s ours alone,

No one else can break the bond,

Magic star of love.


This bridge links our love,

A magical star glistens,

On this pink full heart.


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Tavira is such a lovely quaint place to visit, with an oldie world charm, so with that in mind here are some of my photos to tempt you:

Two views from either side of the lovers!!! bridge ….




 My daughter looking tiny amongst the quaint old buildings!

There are some lovely churches in Tavira:


Of course when love hits the mark it’s truly magical, and so is Tavira. If you’d like to see my other Portugal post do visit here: Portugal Missing You

I hope you liked my haiku. Do join in with Ronovan’s challenge.

Here’s the link to find out more: Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge – Magic and Stars

Oh and see if you can guess what my new job is…

Bye for now, much love. Happy Sunday!





Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge



I really feel in the mood for a Haiku Challenge this week. It’s been ages since I’ve joined in Ronovan’s challenge, sigh, I seem to be struggling to keep up with all the things I want to do, such is life. Never mind I’m here now at this present moment ready to write some haiku. Yippee!!

The challenge words this week are rain and lightning. Very fitting.

On one day this week I was on playground duty in the local primary school supervising the kids at lunch time, except it started raining so we had to have wet play… no this isn’t some kind of water fight as the name would suppose … it’s when the kids have to stay inside when it’s raining. Not the most desirable outcome for us adults or the children. Children need to let off steam… Especially, when the Year 6’s have their Sats…So I was really pleased for them and for myself!!! Ha Ha ….that it stopped raining and they were able to go out and play ball and run around a bit.

The first haiku is with the kids in mind:


Puddle Temptation

Enormous puddles

Draw kids near sweet temptation

Lightning burst they run




The above photo is of my hubby getting very wet in Brighton – he’s very fond of thunderstorms so this haiku is for him!!


Rain Cleanses The Soul

Rain cleanses the soul

Lightning palpates heart’s desires,

Thunder struck we yield.

© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Hope you enjoyed my haiku.

To finish off here’s a word spiral that I discovered how to do via Vashti – Do pop over to her blog to see her fabulous word heart graphics and haiku from last week: Vashti Vega Haiku and Graphics! and also Ritu did a post too : Ritu – Creating A Spiral Word Graphic

Festisite Text Layout – Spiral


Here’s the link to Ronovan’s Blog to join in the challenge: Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge

Have a lovely Saturday.

Bye for now,


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

My Links: 







Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge No: 86



The prompt words this week from Ronovan are Flash and Dance.

I’ve just started a part-time job in my girls’ old primary school, a bit of a change from my last job working in John Lewis over Christmas!  On Monday I was on supervisory duty in the playground mainly keeping an eye on the kids playing on the climbing frame. On my first day there were kids leaping on kids, a boy with two scrapped knees, a girl who got bark in her eye, and a group of year four girls who came and introduced themselves to me and told me all about the play they were in. They were telling me about their parts, how many lines they had or proudly boasting that their part was a baddie! How outrageous! All in all it was quite entertaining… So I said that my two children used to go to their primary school too and I asked them to guess my daughter’s ages. The first one said, ‘ twenty five! ‘ I said, ‘Do I look that old?’ Then of course the next girl said,’forty five,’ but after that the numbers started to come down, thank heavens! Cheeky devils !

It brought back a conversation I had with my youngest daughter recently. I asked her what she liked to do in the playground when she was at primary school, she said skipping, and playing games but she mainly just danced with her best friend! How very theatrical, and artistically inclined, she’s not changed a jot – she still loves to dance. Her friend likewise is still keen on performing, just recently I watched her acting, and singing with The Young Actor’s Company  in their sell out performance at Cambridge Junction.  Jack Drum’s Entertainment will be playing in Oxford on the 5th of March, and London on 7th March at Bloomsbury Theatre. To find out more about this play being performed by such a talented group of young actors, follow the link:

I can’t say that I saw anyone dance in the playground apart from a tiny hint of a dance when one of the year four girls did a little bit of dancing from the show, just before she got called to have her lunch. That was the moment I was waiting for…… but it was gone in a blink of the eye.

So this week’s haiku is inspired by my daughter’s love of dance:


Primary dancers

Playground extravaganza

A duo flashdance

Here’s the link to Ronovan’s blog so you can join in the haiku challenge:

It’s good to know that there are some theatrical types in the playground, but perhaps that’s enough melodrama for now!

Bye for now,

bitstrips melodrama

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx




Ronovan Writes Haiku Prompt Challenge: Crystal and Hope



Well with a prompt like that from Ron there is just no way that I wouldn’t join in with the Haiku prompt challenge this week. Who could say no? Not me for sure.

Here’s a link to Ron’s blog if you’d like to join his weekly challenge:

I just love Crystals, and they feature in my writing.

Hope and Crystals kind of go hand in hand don’t they?

But perhaps with light there is always a touch of darkness, so with my haiku I am going to focus on the idea of unrequited love.

We all have at some time in our lives experienced differing degrees of unrequited relationships. In my experience I remember one such case when I was very young, it wasn’t love,  it was a touch of infatuation.  I fancied this young chap, and to be honest I kind of made it pretty obvious that I liked him. We did go out on a date but it was no fun at all, he  just dumped me in the middle of the night in Edinburgh not caring how I got home or if I got home.  In his eyes I think it was a bit of a prank to play on me, he must have thought I had been chasing him and perhaps he didn’t even fancy me. Anyway it was very upsetting and the memory of it still remains with me to this day. But it did teach me one thing, anyone that behaves in such an uncaring and unpleasant way can’t be worthy of my attention let alone of a relationship with me. So this curly haired young chap did me a favour in a way, his behaviour made me a little more reticent perhaps in chasing after a boy. I never went out with curly haired boys ever again! Instead I chose dark haired guys with straight hair, played it cool, let the boys do the running and the boys seemed to like that! So girls, take a tip from me, keep an aura of mystique and let the guy do the chasing.

Thereafter nobody broke my heart, not that he did, but he dented my pride. I have been lucky in love, and for that I am very blessed, so the haiku at the end of this blog post ends on a positive note.

So with that in mind let’s return back to Ron’s prompt words Crystal and Hope, by introducing you to a photo that I took of a very special crystal grotto,  isn’t it spectacular?

get-attachment Kyrstallos picture

I wrote a post way back about this amazing place called Juniper Artland where I photographed this grotto, “The Light That Pours Out Of Me,” by Anya Gallacio, so perhaps if you’ve been following my blog for a long while you will remember it. If not, then here it is, (it’s always worth a multiple visit, so do click on the link):

Juniper Artland is a must see recommendation f you are ever in Scotland, it really is an amazingly inspiring place, here’s some of the other links on my blog in which I feature my response to sculptures at this wonderful Artland (via my photography and poetry) :

So this is my haiku inspired by Anya Gallacio’s magnificent Crystal grotto:


The Grotto of Unrequited Love


His  promise ring sits,

Crystal bright on my finger,

Mockery of  hope.


 In  tearful pieces,

Hope’s sweet embrace lost in stone,

Cruel, a clear cut edge.


Pain’s ocean rages,

Knife to fortune’s longing heart,

Hope’s pathway crumbles.


Crystal deep ridges,

Bury far inside my soul,

Desire groaning.


Luminous moment,

Lips lock hope’s tomfoolery,

Final kiss goodbye.


Fool I, to want you,

Curly haired lover,

Hope’s cheeky prankster .



Darkness fills my soul, echoes,

Past sorrows return.


Transient moments,

Now, forgotten, forgiven,

Replaced by love’s light.


In Crystal Grotto,

Forever, hope, sparkles bright,

Love finds its sweet way.


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.


Do comment and let me know what you thought of my haikus, and of course the amazing  Juniper Artland.

Today I’m off work, so I’m doing a bit of blogging this morning, then off to Tai Chi, later in the day I have lots of chores to catch up on, sigh, if only I could do them like this!

Bye for now,

file (8)

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

All About Writer’s Groups Plus On-Line Writing Resources


I found this quote on Pixabay and it seemed oddly appropriate to my intention today which is to share with you some information and advice about joining a writer’s group, and to inform you about Virginia Bergin’s forthcoming scheduled talk at Cambridge Writers, in December, debut author of sci-fi, apocalyptic/dystopian horror-thrillers, The Rain, and The Storm.

Writing Tip: Don’t wait for the storm to pass, don’t wait for the writer’s groups and opportunities to come to you, go out and find them, even if it is pouring with rain and you’d rather stay in and watch telly! Go out, switch the telly off, learn new skills, discover new friends, dance in the rain if need be, sample all there is on offer!!

I am very fortunate, as there are several Writer’s groups here in Cambridge. I joined Cambridge Writers over two years ago, and I’m so glad that I did, I have found it a wonderful source of help and support.  I’m coordinator of the Children’s Writing Group, and the go to person if you’d like to find out more about the group:

So with this in mind I’d like to share with you my twelve reasons why I think it is important to join a writer’s group.

Reasons why you should join a Writer’s group:

  1. It enables you to meet with and share ideas with other writers on a regular basis.
  2. There are often special evenings with visiting authors coming to discuss their novels/writing.
  3. As well as this you might find there are discussion sessions on particular topics which may be of interest to you.
  4. You will meet with a wide range of people, this is a certainty, writers tend to be an interesting bunch of people!
  5. It tends to be a supportive environment, with more experienced writers, (some of whom have been published,) giving invaluable advice and help to new writers.
  6. Yes, Positive criticism is offered, but it will be done in a way that is constructive and helpful rather than upsetting and demotivating.
  7. You have the joy of reading out your masterpiece in front of a small select audience of fellow writers who listen attentively and then pass comment.
  8. No 7. may sound a bit daunting. I have to confess this was a bit scary the first time I read out my story  but you will soon find that it doesn’t bother you anymore. It is such a confidence building exercise!
  9. Often there are differing groups which you can attend, depending on the size of the writer’s group. Cambridge Writers caters for poets, writers of long prose, short prose, travel writing, and children’s writing. You may try forms of writing that you have never tried before, in my case I am now finding myself drawn to short prose, travel writing, and I’ve even written a few pieces of poetry!
  10. There are all sorts of ways to get involved, in my case I have taken over as coordinator of the children’s writing group. In my new role as coordinator I have been able to use my social media contacts to find a speaker for the next author’s event, Virginia Bergin debut author of The Rain,  and The Storm is coming to speak at Cambridge Writers on Tuesday 1st December:
  11. It is fun! You will meet new friends, drink lots of tea and coffee, consume a ridiculous amount of biscuits, cakes, and crisps, and might even go to the pub afterwards!
  12. It is far better than watching the telly, if you join I promise that you will never be bored again! Boredom what is that?
If you are in the vicinity of Cambridge, do come along to meet Virginia. Here’s a link to find out more:
As well as this we are also very fortunate to have a wonderful script writing group in Cambridge that you can get involved in if drama is your thing. I have been along to this a few times and sampled what they have to offer and have to say I was very impressed. I even had a go at some acting, which was such fun:

There are also a plethora of on-line writing groups too, one that comes to mind is Rachael Ritchey’s Weekly Writing Blog Battle.  I’d definitely recommend this friendly bunch of Blog Battlers, do join in the fun:

Esther Newton is a writing tutor that I met with in person this August at the Bloggers Bash event in London. She has a great blog with lots of writing prompts, a weekly writing challenge, and writing competitions, and markets for writers. Check out her current Flash competition, get your skates on if you want to join in, the deadline is this Sunday, 15th November:

Sacha Black, one of the principal organisers of the Bloggers Bash, also has Writespiration prompts, writing tips, and resources on her blog. Here’s the link to her current writespiration prompt:

Via Esther Newton and Sacha Black I found out about the Guardian Stephen King Short Fiction Competition, up to 4,000 words. The closing date for this competition is 18th December:

Dan Alatorre offers a Flash Fiction Challenge which you can get involved in:

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields has a Friday Fictioneers event, a 100 words writing challenge:

I’d recommend popping over to see The Secret Keeper’s wonderful blog and Writing challenges:

A flash fiction challenge from Carrot Ranch, this one has been recommended to me by fellow WordPress blogger Geoff at Tangental:

If you are inclined to writing poetry there are also lots of ways to get involved.  I’d recommend Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge :

Ronovan is also starting a new prompt this Friday, Friday Fictions Challenge, I must be psychic!! Here’s the link to his blog to find out more about this too :

Also there are sites such as Wattpad, a free writing community for writers and readers:

Describli, too, an online community “that uses writing prompts to spark creativity and connect readers and writers.”

And of course there is Nanowrimo, which I must confess I have never done!! One day perhaps, here’s the link to find out more about this online National Novel Writing Month:

So what are you waiting for!!! No excuses there are lots of ways to get involved, either to start writing or to progress your writing.

No doubt numerous other bloggers offer word prompts and a range of ways to get involved, so if I haven’t mentioned you here and you would like to be on this list do leave a message in the comment field below, and I’ll add you too.

Hope you found this list of resources and advice helpful.

Bye for now, I’d love to hear from you!


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

BEWOW, Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge and Colleen’s WQW


RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #69 Haiku&Mind

As some of you will know from my previous blogging posts I’m on a bit of a blogging break so it will be a bit quiet here on Kyrosmagica, but I thought I might just share with you one little all encompassing post this week as I’m missing joining in on various blogging activities so here’s my entries for Ronovan’s Haiku challenge, Colleen’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday, and Ronovan’s Bewow!

To start with I wrote several haiku, the first few are about my blogging break!

The last few haiku are to inspire, encourage, and motivate students studying for exams this autumn.


Haiku’s On my Mind

A blogging break dear?

No, Haiku’s on my mind,

Three line rich story


Haiku Mind Games

The prompt words stump you

Enter imagination

Haiku mind games

My final haiku are for all those students currently studying for the mock exams, believe in yourself, you can do it, work hard, reach your starry dreams. My youngest daughter is currently looking at Sixth Forms for next year. Last night we went to an open evening and I was really impressed by a current six former in her final year who delivered a truly inspiring speech, and seemed to speak directly from the heart.  This has inspired my daughter to set her goals quite high to go to this particular sixth form of her choice. Undoubtedly this will involve a lot of hard work to reach those all important grades that she needs, so this post is with her in mind and for all the other youngsters, and young people who are currently studying for their exams, or doing course work, at schools, colleges, and universities.  It’s a tough time but persevere and remember to make the impossible become the possible. Draw this on a piece of paper, or chalk it on a chalk board somewhere you can see it. Make it your goal.


No Impossibles

Dream in possibles

Haiku enrich bright young minds

No Impossibles


Reach Your Starry Dreams

Haiku for you

Study hard expand your mind

Reach your starry dreams.

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

To end I’d just like to join in Writer’s Quote Wednesday hosted on Colleen’s Silver Threading blog, and Ronovan’s BEWOW.


Here’s a link to Colleen’s blog to join in the fun:


The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.  Martin Luther King. Jr.



Couldn’t agree more intelligence without character is pretty pointless in my opinion, we need both…


I’ve written a quote for Writer’s Quote Wednesday and for Ronovan’s BEWOW –  Be Wonderful Wednesday.




I’ve housed this all important quote in the following photo that I took of my ceiling when it was all lit up. The photo made quite a spectacular pattern, which turned out all green which was a bit odd but I’d just been to see Wicked at the Apollo Theatre in London so ……. that was quite appropriate!!


My Wickedly Inspiring Quote:


This is your time to shine, believe in yourself, remember to breathe, eat and rest. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be the best you can be, reach those all important goals, and remember all the while to stay positive, focused, happy, and encourage and motivate your friends to do the same. Make the impossible, possible.


Good luck in all the forthcoming exams. I’m casting a spell on you to do well!


Bye for now,


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge, Writer’s Quote Wednesday and BeWoW

, abstract-20445__180[1]

I have been tagged by Janice who blogs at On the land to participate in the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge’.  Many thanks to Janice for inviting me to participate in this fun challenge.  Janice blogs about our world and how important it is to care and nourish it:  Caring About Our World; Reflecting About Life. She hopes to encourage us to move towards a cleaner, more sustainable future and away from the worst consequences of climate change.

Here’s a link to her blog, do pop over and support this wonderful world we live in by visiting her blog:

The rules for the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge:

1. Thank the blogger, who nominated you.

2. Share one new quote on three consecutive days on your blog. They can be from anywhere, anyone, or anything that inspires you… Which means, it can be from yourself, too!

3. On each of the three days, nominate 3 more bloggers to carry on this mission impossible endeavor (if they dare!).

I’ve decided to join in three activities in one blog post this Wednesday:

Janice’s 3 day 3 quote challenge:

Colleen’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday. An open invitation to join in some quote sharing fun:

Writer's Quote Wednesday

Ronovan’s BeWoW, in which he suggests we consider what brings cheer to our lives, his prompt is ” A Cheer Full Life, ” and he quotes Thomas Carlyle, so do take a look at his blog and see this wonderfully inspiring quote. What cheers me up is staying as young at heart for as long as possible, so that’s my BeWoW suggestion,  whatever you do don’t turn into a grumpy old misery guts! Resist it!  Do whatever it takes to keep yourself fit, happy and healthy. Be Wonderful This Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, keep it up for as long as you can!


so with all these challenges I had to come up with something new so what better way than to have a go at writing my own quote? So with autumn in mind I came up with us, words only:

I am in the autumn of my life, winter is still to come. In my final season I will resist approaching age. The shell of my body will crumple, but I will continue to live with a full heart. Wrinkles will be a snapshot of life’s colourful memories forever imprinted in the crisp reds, yellows and golds of the leaves of time.

Marje @ Kyrosmagica.

My autumnal quote on the theme of getting older has been  inspired by the following Mark Twain quote:

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” 

What a gem!

Mark Twain’s quote sums up how I feel. We should try to respond to the aging process by fighting against getting older, embracing each day with a happy heart and don’t spend too much time worrying, just be thankful that you are living, loving, and breathing in the beauty of each new day in this wonderful world that we live in. Not everyone is as fortunate, so enjoy those birthdays, even if they seem to be coming faster than they used to !! One day I hope to be one of those grannies who still thinks that everyone fancies her, who stands up on the swings, and lives life to the full. Yes I’m going to be an embarrassingly cheerful, unstoppable Grannie!!!

I hope so anyway…… Just like my mother in law, she’s always been full of life and I do admire that about her. She’s 89, and still going strong. Oh, and my Great Grandfather was still walking miles at the ripe old age of 90, and flirting with the ladies, and my dad is still pretty fit and he is in his eighties! So I’m modelling my future on these inspiring elderly characters. I have plans to be a glamorous Grannie! Just not anytime soon….

My nominees to take part in the 3 day 3 quote Challenge, if they would like to are:

I hope you liked my quotes. Please do feel free to comment.

Bye for now,


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx



Ronovan Writes Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge # 64 Tide and Flesh


I’m joining this week’s haiku prompt challenge from Ron, the prompt words Tide and Flesh just seemed to be made for me as I’m doing Halloween type/scary posts leading up to 31st October.

Here’s a few of my recent activities:

I’ve been joining the #red eye scary read along, from Stripes Publishing, more about that on my previous post:

and I’ve written a Halloween themed short story for #BlogBattle too:

So let’s talk haiku, I’ve written several this week, five in total. You see I like spooky things, even though spooky things scare me!!


The Red Tide

The red tide flows in

It decimates the shoreline

Flesh flows scattering


Vampires Outlive Us

Vampires outlive us

Life drifts and flows on the tide

Flesh decays with time


Ghosts Harbour Grudges

Ghosts harbour grudges

With no flesh to look pretty

Tide drifts ghosts do too


Wily Witches

Wily Witches Spells

Make their old flesh young and firm

Charms cast on the tide


The Blood Moon

The blood moon settles

High above tide’s jewelled throne

A red shadow glows

Link to Ronovan’s Blog, do check it out, he has an awesome blog:

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Hope my haiku didn’t give you the shivers!! What do you like to do to get in the mood for Halloween? I’ve been watching vampire diaries!!


Bye for now,

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge #62 Start & Hot


RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #62 Start&Hot

Isn’t this pretty? Really like this prompt photo Ron, very nice indeed. Love the orange leaves against the grey – very striking.

This week’s prompt words for Ron’s Weekly Haiku Challenge are Start and Hot, and boy did these two words give me trouble, I just wasn’t feeling it. My haiku engine wasn’t starting, it was at a dead stand still believe me. In fact  it protested like an old uncharged car battery on a freezing cold snowy day. I was stumped and practically gave up. You nearly had me throwing in the towel Ron, but I kept on at it, played with words, and fiddled about until I came up with these two haikus: Hot Rave Drug Murder and Tsunami of Tears. Not particularly cheerful haiku this week, I’m sorry to say, but at least I get full marks for being determined!!

Hot Rave Drug Murder


A cliff hanger start

The final chapter shocker

Hot Rave Drug Murder


It reads as:


A cliffhanger start the final chapter shocker.

The final chapter shocker hot rave drug murder


Then after muddling through that first haiku I came up with this:


Tsunami of Tears


Start running, death calls

Hot, still sand surrenders souls

Tsunami of tears


 It reads as:


Start running death calls hot still sand surrenders souls.


Hot still sand surrenders souls tsunami of tears.

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Here’s the link to Ronovan Writes Challenge:

Hope you like this weeks haiku. I kind of looked a bit shocked like my Bitstrips cartoon character when I finally worked it out!

Do leave a comment I’d love to hear from you.

Bye for now.


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx