Magic of Trees: Dawn Redwood #Magical #Connections #SpiritualSisters #Trees #Magic #Nature #Lockdown #Reading #Books

I love trees! I swear trees have magic. I live on the edge of a park in Cambridge surrounded by an incredible vista of trees and as a child I was no stranger to the mysterious aspect of the woods which were just a short walk away.

I’m going to share with you various trees which I have photographed some time ago. They have all captured my attention and are special and meaningful to me. I promise a diverse range, and a few giggles along the way.

What better choice to begin with, than this magnificent tree – a deciduous conifer, the Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, native to Lichuan county in Hubei province, China.

Local villagers refer to the original tree from which most others derive as Shui-sa, or “water fir”, which is part of a local shrine.  Since its rediscovery in 1944, the dawn redwood has become a popular ornamental.

Strawberry Fields is a landscaped section in New York City’s Central Park dedicated to Beatle John Lennon. At the northern end of the lawns are three dawn redwood trees. The trees drop their needles each fall and regrow them each spring, a symbol of eternal renewal. The trees are expected to reach a height of 36 metres (118 ft), making them visible from great distances. Wikipedia

Even the name itself – Dawn Redwood – conjures up spell-binding magic. I discovered the redwood and many other beautiful trees on my lunchtime walks in the Botanical Gardens in Cambridge.

I think you will agree it is a wondrous tree. I love the warm, inviting orange colour in the bark and the beautiful, ferny foliage which was a delicate coppery shade when I photographed it in the autumn.

There is a distinct feeling of energy about this tree. It calls you to come and touch its bark.


I discovered this blog:

And was interested to see what they had to say about Dawn Redwood.

Just some of the words that were mentioned to describe this tree:




Mother Earth

Primal Wisdom

A living fossil

Dates from prehistoric times


No wonder the Dawn Redwood captured my attention! I hope it will fascinate you too!


I love to write about nature – My poetry, prose and photography collection Mr. Sagittarius is a light-hearted, magical story about fictional characters, twin brothers Harold and William, their sister Annette and the sibling’s connection to the beautiful botanical gardens in Cambridge.

Moreover, it celebrates many aspects of day-to-day life including: sibling relationships, beauty, nature, the seasons of the year, love and ultimately magic.

I love spending time in nature taking photos – my favourite photos in this collection are the robin, trees and the dragonfly that grace this little book.

Photography is in my genes – Both my uncle and grandfather were photographers. My grandfather A.G. Ingram was originally with the photography company Ingram, Gordon & Co in Haddington up until the mid thirties. Then he ventured on his own to form the Scottish Pictorial Press in Edinburgh supplying photos to the press. When war broke out Scottish Pictorial Press became defunct. After the war he started AG Ingram Ltd, Commercial Photographers, at three successive locations in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The photographic images in the book are all my own, apart from two images by Alex Marlowe – a talented photographer.

To purchase on Amazon follow the link below:

Available for free on kindle unlimited and to buy in kindle and paperback:

Thank you for entering my worlds. I hope they bring you a touch of magic. And thank you to all the kind people who read and review my work. I appreciate you.

Please do comment, I’d love to hear about your favourite magical trees and your favourite books!

Some Tree Enthusiast links:

Facebook Group – I Love Trees:

Keep safe – find a tree to hug this Saturday!


We are the Spiritual Sisters (formerly known as The Sisters of The Fey):

Adele Marie Park Author: Firefly465

Annette Rochelle Aben Author & Personal Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen M. Chesebro Author & Personal Blog: Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

Debby Gies (aka, D. G. Kaye) Author & Personal Blog:

Marjorie (MJ) Mallon YA/Paranormal Author:

The Magic of The Dragonfly: Poetry in Motion #SpiritualSisters #SistersofTheFey #MagicalConnections

Red, Devil’s needle,

Or luck bringer with kind eyes?

Ancient, sweet fellow,

Sacred magic bestower,

Change tumbling on fragile wings.

© M J Mallon 2020

The above is a poetry excerpt from my poetry, prose and photography book Mr. Sagittarius which is now available on Kindle Unlimited, and to buy in Kindle and full colour Paperback.

This poem was originally my post for Colleens’ Poetry challenge with the prompt words: Fall and Give. I used the synonyms tumbling for fall and bestower for give:

I added the last line as the dragonfly has such a short life like the butterfly and change can be fragile unless we encourage and nurture it and learn to be our better selves.

A while ago on my frequent visits to Cambridge Botanical Gardens I came across a very friendly dragonfly. This particular fellow, or lady dragonfly, landed right next to me on the bench. Mr. or Miss. Dragonfly remained for a very long time as if enjoying my company! I even placed my hand above expecting the dragonfly to fly away but it stayed motionless enjoying the sunshine with me.

It flew off for a few moments and then came back to me as if showing off its flying prowess.

Later, I posted about this encounter on Facebook and received several comments, one of which said: dragonflies are good luck omens and seeing one may denote change.

How interesting! Yes, this ancient insect has many myths and legends attributed to it. In Japan, it is revered as a good luck symbol and often mentioned in haiku poetry. Some cultures link the dragonfly with the dragon which is a startling synergy as I intend to write about dragons in the final book of my YA series The Curse of Time. I’m currently editing book two and hope to have the second book out by Christmas.

The first book in the series is available via Amazon and is receiving a good amount of 4 and 5 star reviews: Buy Book:

Returning to the dragonfly I’d recommend the following post if you want to find out more about dragonflies. It is a fascinating dragonfly article sharing different reactions from all over the world ranging from: celebrating, or fearing the dragonfly: J Sedgwick:

Whatever the truth about dragonflies I like to believe in their magic.

Certainly, it is true that my life has changed in the most amazing way since I’ve discovered the joys of writing, blogging and photography.

Since encountering my dragonfly friend I have written a short story about twin brothers and a dragonfly bound to the magic of the gorgeous Golden Willow Tree which opens the narrative in Mr. Sagittarius.

I’ve mentioned the Willow Tree before in my series of posts about the magic of trees:

It’s amazing that there are ideas/characters/inspirations for writing everywhere. All manner of strange beings: (Insects, trees and people!) can supply ideas which excite me as I pass by on my way to my day job, or on my days off work.

For instance, the two brothers in Mr. Sagittarius: Harold and William were inspired by a couple of elderly gents that I noticed on my way to work one day. They were such extraordinary looking characters that I just had to write about them! They had no idea what I had in store for them… Thank goodness it’s all fictional. Lol.

If you open your eyes to magic you will discover stories everywhere. Time to embrace change with a full and happy heart.

Getting back to the dragonfly. Have you had a similar encounter with a spirit animal?

Do let me know, I’d love to hear about it.

Some good news! My full colour paperback is now available in Amazon. Here’s my universal link for Mr. Sagitarrius which is available in paperback, kindle and free on kindle unlimited:

Early reviews: 5 stars from Ritu Bhathal

And 5 star review from Colleen Chesebro:

Amazon UK Kindle:

Amazon US Kindle:

This post is from:

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx


The Spiritual Sisters are:

Adele Marie Park Author & Personal Blog: Firefly465

Annette Rochelle Aben Author & Personal Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen M. Chesebro Author & Personal Blog: Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

Debby Gies (aka, D. G. Kaye) Author & Personal Blog: D. G. Kaye, Writer

Marjorie (MJ) Mallon YA/Paranormal Author:

A Magical Gate in Cambridge #SistersofTheFey #SpiritualSisters #Nature #MagicalConnections

This feature was originally posted on our collaborative blog: The Sisters of The Fey on 8th May, 2018. We are writing under a new name #SpiritualSisters on our own blogs.

Spiritual Sisters are also on Facebook:

On that particular date in May 2018 I was at a creative writing course in Cambridge run by artist Lyndell Phelps and poet, writer, producer Dan Simpson. It was a very warm day, perhaps too warm to be cooped inside writing. Luckily, we were able to sit out in the warm sunshine for the second half of the writing day.

On my way home I decided to have a wander in  the sun. I stumbled upon a gate which I’d never seen before. This was odd as I often walk down this particular road and have NEVER noticed it before. Being curious by nature I decided to venture inside even though it was deserted and there were abundant eerie shadows at the entrance.

I discovered a tiny park with lots of pretty trees, a fabulous blue sky up above and the added bonus of some shadows! Yes, I do like shadows!


I took some photos which you can see and even though the park was tiny these images seem to make it look enormous!


I lingered a while and then left the park via a different gate.  To my surprise I ended up coming out on an entirely different road. This was so odd and somewhat disorientating. How could I have started on Shaftesbury Road and ended up on Aberdeen Avenue? Is that even possible? Perhaps I had too much sun? Or maybe, could this be…


The tiny park had its gates wide open just as if it intended to say:


Who knows? It would be wonderful to imagine that magic played a part in this.

I shall investigate again who knows I might find a fairy or two, or maybe even a unicorn next time!

Bye for now,

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xxx


The Spiritual Sisters are:

Adele Marie Park Author & Personal Blog: Firefly465

Annette Rochelle Aben Author & Personal Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen M. Chesebro Author & Personal Blog: Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

Debby Gies (aka, D. G. Kaye) Author & Personal Blog: D. G. Kaye, Writer

Marjorie (MJ) Mallon YA/Paranormal Author:

Buying links for Marje’s books:

Mr Sagittarius a magical compilation of poetry, prose, and photography.


Buying Link:

Also by: Kyrosmagica Publishing

 YA Fantasy:


The Curse of Time Book 1 Bloodstone

Coming in 2020

YA Fantasy:

The Curse of Time Book 2 Golden Healer.

Short Stories in Anthologies:

Bestselling horror compilation –


Nightmareland edited by Dan Alatorre –

“Scrabble Boy” (Short Story)

Amazon  UK:

Amazon USA:


Ghostly Rites Anthology 2019 –

“Dexter’s Creepy Caverns” (Short Story)

Amazon  UK:

Amazon USA:


Ghostly Writes Anthology 2018 –

“Ghostly Goodbye” (Short Story)

Amazon UK:

Amazon USA:

The Magic of the Robin #Spirit #Animal #Encounters #Poetry – Spiritual Sisters – Sisters of The Fey

A while ago I made a new friend in the Botanical Gardens in Cambridge. This sweet robin came and sat beside me on a bench as if he had something important to say to me: this happened shortly before Christmas so perhaps he wanted to impart a Christmas message. At the time, I thought he was so cute and friendly that I wrote a poem about him on my blog:

Symbolism of Robins

These sweet birds are associated with: family, a sense of community, living in the moment, leaving the past behind, the season of spring, rejuvenation,  new beginnings, happiness expressed through song/music, feeling abundant, (in nature, not caring so much for material things,) and being grateful.

Meaning of a robin sighting:

A robin sighting can be  a divine messenger teaching you to protect what you love and learn to live with those who may not be like you. What in your life resembles the robin’s nature? What can you do to change who you are? What can you accept, or perhaps let go of ?

20191202_131518 (1)

A Robin is a symbol of good luck, passion, new beginnings and renewal and sometimes can represent a symbol of wisdom and patience. In my case, I  believe this is what the robin came to teach me. To be patient, to take my time in my writing path and not to get frustrated! To move forward with a sense of joy and energy to leave my past behind and not to regret any previous choices I have made.

Perhaps my little robin came to impart an important message: Believe in Myself and Accept Who I am.

This particular robin features in my new release Mr. Sagittarius – a mixture of prose and poetry and photography which is available to buy on Amazon.

Buying Link:

The first month’s royalties of the ebook will be donated to the Australian bush fires. 

Furthermore, the second in my YA fantasy Series The Curse of Time, Golden healer also mentions a robin too. This will be released later on this year. How strange that a robin plays a part in that novel too, albeit a tiny part!

If you haven’t read the first book in the series The Curse of Time Bloodstone now is the time to do so. It is on #free #promo today 21st February 2020. 



Here is the link:

It’s uncanny! This is the second encounter I’ve had with a spirit animal. I count myself as blessed. It wasn’t too long ago that a dragonfly paid me a visit.

It seems that the natural world has become my friend! What a joy that is, especially when the robin came to pay me a visit before Christmas.

Do you have a special connection with a spirit animal?

Please comment below, I’d love to hear your thoughts on spirit animals and any encounters you might have had, past or present.

Cheerio, for now.

This is another post, from Marje @ Kyromagica – Spiritual Sisters. xxx


The Spiritual Sisters are:

Adele Marie Park Author & Personal Blog: Firefly465

Annette Rochelle Aben Author & Personal Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen M. Chesebro Author & Personal Blog: Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

Debby Gies (aka, D. G. Kaye) Author & Personal Blog: D. G. Kaye, Writer

Marjorie (MJ) Mallon YA/Paranormal Author:

An Introduction – M J Mallon – Sisters of The Fey – Spiritual Sisters

IMG_20170205_090149_185 - Author photo.jpg

Hi, I’m Marje, otherwise known as MJ.

Who am I? Which spiritual sister am I? I have never had a sister, sigh, but now I have Colleen, Debby, Adele Marie, myself, and Annette. Isn’t that wonderful? We are the Spiritual Sisters.

I’ve always had a fascination with the alternative, a curiosity about the paranormal, an interest in the zodiac and the like. For a time I worked as an alternative therapist specialising in Aromatherapy and Reflexology. I even did a short course in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT.) It fascinated me, but in truth, I didn’t have a lot of clients. I hadn’t discovered the power of blogging or social media yet. Perhaps, if I had it might have been a different story.

During my time as a therapist, I became quite intuitive and I developed an interest in crystals, auras, and chakras. My first crystal purchase was a malachite.


I believe the malachite marked the beginning of my transformation!

In this new feature – Spiritual Sisters – which was originally posted on our collaborative blog The Sisters of The Fey, I hope to explore crystals and their properties, the paranormal, and perhaps drop in a few zodiac posts too (I have a particular interest in the Chinese zodiac.) I’ve partially written an MG story set in Edinburgh about a girl and a dragon at Chinese New Year, which I hope to publish in the future. I also hope to share with you my magical connection posts about the wonder of nature, trees and spirit animals.

For the moment I would also like to share with you a focus on protective stones as I believe there is an unexplained presence in our house. There have been some very strange happenings that the female members of our household have noticed. My husband seems to be oblivious!


  • A disturbing strange vision we saw in the garden.
  • A force (a powerful air draft) pressing against the front door when I leave or enter the house. This is even apparent on a still day with no wind.
  • When I am alone in the house I tend to hear loud noises such as doors slamming, or objects falling which can be very creepy. My daughters and other visitors to our house have noticed this too.
  • My daughter saw a strange ghostly image crouching on the stairs leading to the attic and heard whisperings.
  • There have been unexplained fingerprints on the windows and more disturbing, two bird wingspan marks an equal distance from each other on the back patio doors. I took this photo of one of the sides. Ok, I added some Instagram effects to show you how it made me feel…
  • creepy bird photos.jpg

The other day at work I noticed this black shadowed bird-like apparition on a tree… which a friend of mine said is a BOOBRIE –  ‘a shape-shifting bird from the mythology and folklore of the Scottish Highlands’. I’m not sure if this is the case as I work far away from the Scottish Highlands and there are no lochs nearby, but…


Read more about the Boobrie here:

All of these events have happened since a strange black cat appeared in our garden.  He became my cat character Shadow in my book….


Image courtesy of my good friend, cat and crystal lover, Samantha and her son Alex Marlowe:

It’s not surprising that I wrote about a curse…

The Curse of Time… which is on #free #promo for one day only Friday 21st February 2020.

Universal buying link:


I hope you enjoyed this post, cheerio for now from Marje – Spiritual Sisters.

Look for Our Future Posts on our blogs:

Adele Marie Park Author & Personal Blog: Firefly465

Annette Rochelle Aben Author & Personal Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben

Colleen M. Chesebro Author & Personal Blog: Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

Debby Gies (aka, D. G. Kaye) Author & Personal Blog: D. G. Kaye, Writer

Marjorie (MJ) Mallon YA/Paranormal Author: