Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – New Collection – #Verse #Short Stories – Life’s Rich Tapestry : Woven in Words by Sally Cronin

Congratulations to Sally Cronin on her new release of verse, micro fiction and short stories.

The Magister

Jack Eason is sharing a snippet of his new story Magister. #mustread

Have We Had Help?


Here is a snippet of my latest Work In Progress.


For years he had been troubled by the simplistic conclusions of academia concerning our past on this planet. Not one academic had provided an answer that didn’t adhere to accepted conventional thinking. It was long past time that someone put them straight!


On reaching his seventieth birthday, a fundamental change occurred in him. James began to experience what in the beginning were strange dreams. For instance, in his dreams he no longer slept in a bed. Instead his body floated in the air a few feet above ground, surrounded by a protective sphere. Nothing and no one could harm him while he remained inside. As for feeding himself, in his dreams he grazed all day long. No longer needing to eat a sleep inducing heavy three course meal, or breakfast and lunch.

In every respect he was an…

View original post 673 more words

#ABRSC Review of Wisp by Adele Marie Park #YA #Fantasy #LGBT

Goodreads Synopsis:
Edra; a world where magic flourishes and where dark secrets are concealed by those who rule. Secrets which can get the innocent killed without a thought. When the body of an elf is discovered in a treacherous area of the city, Wisp a young Law Enforcer is assigned the case. He soon realises the case is far from simple. As soon as he finds one thread another one leads him to unravel a tapestry woven from lies, secrets, corruption and evil. When friendship turns to love, Wisps life, as he knew it will completely change. What started out as a murder case ends in a grisly battle which Wisp and his companions seem to have no chance of winning.


This was one of the most unusual and imaginative YA fantasy stories I have read for a long time. I really loved it. I particularly enjoyed  the wonderful range of characters in the novel, which Ms. Park brought to life via her engaging writing style. I especially loved Wisp, a marsh fairy law enforcer.

The dialogue flowed effortlessly and the narrative kept me engaged throughout with some really exciting passages and witty repartee.  I am so looking forward to reading the second book in this series.

Adele Marie Park shows great promise. This is her debut novel and I will definitely be following this author’s progress with great interest and much excitement.


Ms. Park has also written stories for several anthologies including The Box Under The Bed, edited by Dan Alatorre, Plaisted Publishing Ghostly Writes AnthologyThe Darkest Midnight in December: Ghost Stories for the Winter Season Anthology, and Betrayals of Another Kind: 2016 Fantasy Writers Anthology.

My rating of Wisp: 4.5 stars.

A definite recommendation for readers of fantasy readers, LGBT YA Fiction, (male love affair.)

Author Details:


Adele Marie Park – Bio:

I love writing, it`s my passion. My genres include fantasy, horror, urban fantasy, and a mixture of all those. I love telling stories; period. I am married to my wonderful wife, who is my rock. Our daughter and our dog, German shepherd collie cross, are also my passions. To experience a moment of pure love is to experience the world.
Creativity is something I couldn`t live without.
I am also a Supernatural geek, and love my music. Punk, Goth, Rockabilly and visual Kei music from Japan.

The paranormal is my normal.
oh, and I also totally believe in faeries.

Adele Marie Park’s Author page on Amazon:


Collaborative blog:


I’ve written oodles of reviews for traditionally published and self-published authors. Reading is my passion. To see my reviews please follow the links below:

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Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time
Founder of Facebook #ABRSC Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Group:



Blog Tour and Review: If You Love Me I’m Yours – Lizzie Chantree #RRBC #ABRSC

I’m thrilled to be part of Lizzie Chantree’s blog tour for her latest novel: If You Love Me I’m Yours.

Thank you to Lizzie Chantree for an ARC copy of If you Love Me, I’m Yours.

Please note: Receiving a copy via the author in no way influences my review.

Goodreads Synopsis 

‘If you love me, I’m yours…’

Maud didn’t mind being boring, not really. She had a sensible job, clothes, and love life… if you counted an overbearing ex who had thanked her, rolled over and was snoring before she even realised he’d begun! She could tolerate not fulfilling her dreams, if her parents would pay her one compliment about the only thing she was passionate about in life: her art.

Dot should have fit in with her flamboyant and slightly eccentric family of talented artists, but somehow, she was an anomaly who couldn’t paint. She tried hard to be part of their world by becoming an art agent extraordinaire, but she dreamed of finding her own voice.

Dot’s brother Nate, a smoulderingly sexy and famous artist, was adored by everyone. His creative talent left them in awe of his ability to capture such passion on canvas. Women worshipped him, and even Dot’s friend Maud flushed and bumped into things when he walked into a room, but a tragic event in his past had left him emotionally and physically scarred, and reluctant to face the world again.

Someone was leaving exquisite little paintings on park benches, with a tag saying, ‘If you love me, I’m yours’. The art was so fresh and cutting-edge, that it generated a media frenzy and a scramble to discover where the mystery artist could be hiding. The revelation of who the prodigious artist was interlinked Maud, Dot and Nate’s lives forever, but their worlds came crashing down.

Were bonds of friendship, love and loyalty strong enough to withstand fame, success and scandal?

My review: 

I was delighted with the prospect of reading another novel from Lizzie Chantree as I really enjoyed Ninja School Mum.

Here is a link to my review for Ninja School Mum:

What I didn’t expect was that this latest book If You Love Me I’m Yours is now my favourite!

What did I like about it?

Lovely engaging characters, I especially loved the main protagonist Maud and her relationship with Daisy and new friend Dot. And Nate is too cute and his brother Elliot  is too! Oh, I could go on and on… Basically I loved all the characters and the characterisation was one of the strongest aspects of this novel.

It was nice to read a light-hearted chick lit romance for a change. And I really enjoyed the fantastic conclusion. Loved the ending!

I engaged with the art aspect to it – how Maud didn’t have much confidence about her creative talents – but then left her art everywhere for people to enjoy. This was charming and touching too.  I’m not an artist myself but do enjoy funky, eccentric characters and If you Love Me I’m Yours really delivered on this.

It’s an uplifting, sweet romance – a great option for a holiday read and with summer upon us…

What I wanted more of!

I loved the sexy scenes between Maud and Nate but I wanted more! I’m greedy that way. This was quite a slow burn with Maud and Nate’s uncertainties and fears, holding back the ‘love action’ which had me desperate for more! I could understand why they were both reluctant but even so.  Lol.

Overall a charming, engaging novel which will bring you lots of smiles! Definitely a recommendation.

Lizzie Photo

Author Bio:

Award-winning inventor and author, Lizzie Chantree, started her own business at the age of 18 and became one of Fair Play London and The Patent Office’s British Female Inventors of the Year in 2000. She discovered her love of writing fiction when her children were little and now runs networking hours on social media, where creative businesses, writers, photographers and designers can offer advice and support to each other. She lives with her family on the coast in Essex. Visit her website at or follow her on Twitter @Lizzie_Chantree

Social media links:


Universal book buy link:

My rating 4.5 stars.




To read all of my reviews (I review lots!!!):


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#BlogTour #Giveaway The Curse of Time #1 Bloodstone #ABRSC


My paperback release blog tour continues this week with a fabulous tour organised by Jennifer Marston. Please do support the tour and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway to win a cash prize by visiting the blogs mentioned above in the Tour Schedule. Today, Sunday 22nd April is the last day to enter!!!!

Here are the links to the first two posts:

and a 4 star review:

Another excellent review:

Guest author post:

Yeah another Book Review:

Author interview on Whispering Stories:


A Q and A and review:


An excerpt

An excerpt:

A wonderful 4 star review from Sarah Louise Blogspot:

A Q and A post:

You can follow the tour via twitter: @NeverlandBT and @Marjorie_Mallon.

A big thank you to all the Author Blogger Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC tour hosts that helped me with the fabulous pre-release and release tour –

Beginning with – keen crystal and cat enthusiast – the lovely Samantha Murdoch who started off the tour with this wonderful review post:


Do pop over to these wonderful blogs to see the posts and to support and acknowledge the work of these wonderful authors, artists, and bloggers.

Carolina Russo:

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Adele Marie Park:


Craig Boyack at Lisa Burton Radio:

Debby Gies:

Sacha Black:

Gary Jefferies:

Colleen Chesebro:

Christy Birmingham:

Rachael Ritchey:

Esme Slabs:

Special thanks to Vashti Vega for hosting me on her blog after having surgery! I had no idea she was about to have a procedure. I do hope she is fighting fit now.  Here is the link to her lovely post:

Thanks for all your kindness supporting a debut author.

Much love,



Kyrosmagica - black on white

Logo design by Allie Potts:

Buy Book link:

Do come and see our fabulous group on Facebook…


Authors Website:

Collaborative blog:

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time

My Facebook Authors/Bloggers Support Group:





Blog Tour for ‘Violet’ by Leslie Tate


A big welcome to my guest Leslie… author of the trilogy of novels ‘Purple’, ‘Blue’ and ‘Violet’, as well as his trans memoir ‘Heaven’s Rage.’


Violet Front Cover

When I interview authors on my blog about their new novel I usually begin with who they are, a few words about their new title, then questions about what kind of writing they do. I follow up with how their life experiences have contributed to their book, how it changed in the making, and why they’ve written it. I’m just as interested in the process as the result, so I might include questions about their writing habits, what fires them up and who they read and why.

I interview a wide range of people, not just authors. So I talk to musicians, artists, filmmakers, publishers, comedians, care-givers and people with disabilities or mental health issues – anyone who has to use imagination in one form or another to get by. I want to learn about them as people and how the act of doing something difficult has changed them, in themselves and in their view of the world. I also want to grasp the inflow and outflow of energy and imagination as well as the hard graft that went into what they’re creating.

So, with the tables turned, interviewing myself (as authors do, turning snatches of fantasy and overheard voices into polished monologues) – can I deliver even half of what I hope to get from them?

It’s a bit like playing God, but here goes…

Q: What’s your writing history?

A: I studied Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, I’ve been shortlisted for the Bridport, Geoff Stevens and Wivenhoe Prizes and I’m the author of the trilogy of novels ‘Purple’, ‘Blue’ and ‘Violet’, as well as my trans memoir ‘Heaven’s Rage’, which has been turned into a film.

Q: Tell us about your latest book.

A: The blurb for my recently-published novel ‘Violet’ runs like this: ‘The passionate, late-life love of Beth and James begins in 2003 on a blind date in a London restaurant. Attracted by James’s openness, Beth feels an immediate, deep connection between his honesty and her own romantic faith. From then on they bond, exchanging love-texts, exploring sea walks and gardens and sharing their past lives with flashbacks to Beth’s rural childhood and her marriage to a dark, charismatic minister…’

Q: What kind of writing do you do?

A: My published writing is about the changing patterns of modern love. It grows out of language – I constantly search for the right word to guide me to the next. My plots develop from the characters: what they say, how they interact and what lies deepest inside them.

Q: How do you approach the task of writing a novel?

A: When I write, I need to find the exact turn of phrase to get started. So I listen carefully as I try out multiple formulations. That can take days. When I hear the right note that sets me off, and from then on I repeatedly rewrite as I go. If I take a wrong turning or come to dead end I either find a ‘fix’ or cut back the story and rewrite. I don’t dash off an initial plot-driven draft and then revise later because the story grows slowly, organically, out of the words on the page.

Q: What fires you up? Who do you read – and why?

A: I’m inspired by the broad sweep of Robert Lowell’s poetry, the mysteries of ordinary life and sheer quirkiness of Carol Shields and Anne Tyler, the singularity of Marilynne Robinson’s vision, and the depth, power and complexity of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.

Q: How much of your personal life went into your latest book?

A: Violet’s picture of a late-life love affair was adapted from my first meeting with my wife and children’s author, Sue Hampton. The love story soon develops its own fictional dynamic, but part two is based on supporting a sick friend – although this section focuses on the spiritual and psychological impact of long-term illness, rather than the physical details.

Q: Why do you write?

A: I wrote ‘Violet’ for the same reason I write anything – because I want to develop a strong authorial voice capable of ‘looking inside’ modern relationships and holding up a mirror to the society around, while retaining a feeling flow that comes naturally (despite all the rewriting) and transports the readers to places only fiction can take them.

In the UK, you can buy signed copies of ‘Violet’ at

The ebook of Violet is available here: Violet by Leslie Tate (eBook)


Violet is a captivating novel narrated through letters, diary entries, instant messages, poems, and other writings that create a multi-textured depth to the storyline. Leslie Tate’s fluid, musical sentence structure, vivid use of imagery and description, and skilful storytelling bring to life a memorable protagonist in the character of Beth Jarvis, an imaginative and sensitive woman. A pleasure to read! Beth Copeland, Pushcart Prize nominated poet & winner of the Dogfish Head Poetry Prize

Leslie Tate has a beautiful turn of phrase and this work is threaded with elegant descriptive passages. The central characters are instantly likeable, and the reader has a quick and affectionate bond that hooks right from the opening pages. – Dawn Finch Trustee, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Children’s Writer & Librarian.

The third, free-standing part of Leslie Tate’s trilogy opens with a thoroughly modern scenario: Beth, a middle-aged woman, sits in a restaurant waiting for her first meeting with James, a man of similar vintage with whom hitherto she has exchanged letters and phone conversations.

From that point on, Violet becomes timeless. Events and relationships could be from almost any era. Beth herself is a weaver of stories; the possibility is hard to dismiss that the whole thing is in Beth’s head. In places the author hints as much: “In fact, I could almost say we imagined who we were.”

There’s a dream-like quality to the painstaking precision of much of the description of places, events and conversations. Beth’s love stories – with Conrad first and, in her fifties, with James, are somewhat stylised. “Right from the start we chose to be in love,” she says of James, and there are echoes of Tristan and Isolt, Abelard and Heloise in their story.

Beth punctuates her musings about her men, her families, her illness – in short, about her life – with stories in various forms. Some are contributed by others, some are her own, some are reports of dreams. Beth suggests that the theme of her story is love, but I’d say it’s imagination: where it comes from and what purpose it might serve. In Violet, it gives full value. – David Guest, author and journalist.

At the heart of Violet, there is Beth, a divorced mother of two grown daughters and owner of a café, and there is James, previously married and with two adult children of his own. They are together, right from the opening pages, though in fact the paths of these two characters only intersected later in their lives. Theirs is a passionate love story.

The breadth of Violet is found not in its narrative scope—it is a personal tale with a limited cast of characters—but in how far it reaches inward, and outward. Symbolism and allegory abound, as Beth and James push the boundaries of their connection. They are the couple who dance among the flowers, with or without music, at times literally dancing words. They are the couple who have arrived at a place where the waiting ends.

Told in voices both living and posthumous, Violet is a celebration of the numinous, and a paean to life and love. With James at her side, and in spite of the all-consuming struggles she faces, Beth chooses to embrace a path that is “wild and windy and crazy”, along which the smallest experiences are acts of worship; a world that pulses with life and magic and joy. Michelle Payette-Daoust, blogger, bi-linguist and teacher 

Violet is the final instalment of Leslie Tate’s Lavender Blues trilogy. It chronicles the passionate later-in-life relationship of Beth and James. A simple love story? Think again. From the very first scene, a childhood story of Beth’s, entitled The Girl who Began Again, we are given a sense that this story will be something unique. We move straight from the childhood story, to an adult Beth sitting in a restaurant with a sheaf of letters sent to her by James. We learn that the pair have been corresponding and talking by telephone and that this would be their first date. Not a bad introduction.

After their successful first date, Tate eschews traditional story telling techniques by going backwards, over the series of pre-dated letters that have led to this point in the story. I wasn’t initially sure about this strategy, surely it would have made more sense to have the letters before the date? However, though the unorthodox decision does quench some of the initial dramatic tension, the letters themselves are fascinating. The move an invitation for the reader to abandon all pre-conceived ideas of what a novel ‘should’ involve.

After divesting us of our expectations, Tate then moves the narrative back and forth between Beth’s childhood and her evolving relationship with James. The various chapters are quirky and unorthodox involving text messages, dialogues without attributions, dreams, stories and poetry, giving one a sense that we are reading not so much a novel, as a real-life scrapbook of someone’s life. Particularly effective are the scenes from Beth’s early courtship with her first husband, an evangelical church minister, juxtaposed against the playfulness and indeed sacredness of her burgeoning relationship with James.

In part two, we skip forward six years, to a series of diary entries in Beth’s first-person narrative voice. She is married to James by this stage and I had similar reservations about the loss of dramatic tension as we looked back over their early struggles as a married couple. Despite this, I found part two the warmest and most endearing part of the novel. Beth is ill, the reader soon learns, her simple diary entries a chronicle of a couple coming to terms with a terminal illness. Their struggles, are chronicled in a quirky, unorthodox manner, which I’m beginning to recognise as Tate’s signature style. There is a loveliness to Beth’s simple spirituality, evoking all that is best in a life of faith. Their return to the rocky headland of their courtship concludes this section in a deeply symbolic manner.

Part three, opens with a letter written by James who is now in deep mourning. It is followed by some third person reflections of the community and then, what can only be described as series of affecting vignettes and stories from the perspective of the recently departed (or is she?) Beth. This section brought the metaphor of a scrapbook forcefully back to me. Perhaps, because I have only just planned a funeral, I was mindful of the fragmentary nature of our recollections. How one person can be different things to different people. How it is only when we pull them together that we can form a complete picture of their life. Which is sacred, in all of its phases, as Beth’s story was. This, I think, is the triumph of Tate’s novel. – Elizabeth Jane Corbett – Bristol Short Story Prize winner and author of The Tides Between.

Leslie’s website:

Purple cover front_300 (1)

In the UK, you can buy signed copies of the first novel in the trilogy, ‘Purple’, at:

Amazon UK has ‘Purple’ as an ebook and in paperback at:

Blue front cover

You can buy signed copies of ‘Blue’ in the UK at:

Amazon UK has paperback copies of ‘Blue’ at:

front cover Heavens Rage

You can buy signed copies of Leslie’s trans memoir ‘Heaven’s Rage’ in the UK at

Amazon UK has paperback copies of ‘Heaven’s Rage’ at


Leslie Tate studied Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia and has been shortlisted for the Bridport, Geoff Stevens and Wivenhoe Prizes. He’s the author of the trilogy of novels ‘Purple’, ‘Blue’ and ‘Violet’, as well as his trans memoir ‘Heaven’s Rage’, which has been turned into a film. Leslie runs a mixed arts show in Berkhamsted, UK, where he lives with his wife, multi-talented author Sue Hampton.

Well, that certainly piqued my interest… what about you? Do comment below.

Bye for now, you know me…. I’m

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Leslie is a member of our thriving Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club, to find out more please visit the following link: Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club

My Social Media:

Authors Website:

Collaborative blog:

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time






#ABRSC Review of Ninja School Mum


Goodreads Synopsis:

Obsessive-compulsive school mum, Skye, is a lonely elite spy, who is running from her past whilst trying to protect the future of her child. She tries hard to fit in with the other parents at her son’s new school, but the only person who accepts her unconventional way of life is new mother, Thea.

Thea is feeling harassed by her sister and bored with her life, but she suspects that there is something strange about the new school mum, Skye. Thea has secrets of her own and, although the two become unlikely friends, she hesitates to tell Skye about the father of her own child.

Zack’s new business is growing faster than he could have dreamed but, suddenly, he finds himself the owner of a crumbling estate on the edge of a pretty village, and a single parent to a very demanding child. Could he make a go of things and give his daughter the life she deserved?

When three lives collide, it appears that only one of them is who they seem to be, and you never know who the person next to you in the school playground really is.

My review: 

Thank you to the author Lizzie Chantree for an ARC copy for a honest review. All opinions are my own.


An enjoyable chick lit romance with an unexpected twist towards the end. Light-hearted, amusing and fun. The characters are well rounded, and engaging – my favourites are Skye, Thea and Zack.

In my opinion this quick read would appeal to mums and dads who have been excluded from playground cliques and friendship groups and who would like to have some ninja skills to deal with certain people! So very relatable, humorous and fun.

My recommendation – 4 stars – Particularly recommended for those who enjoy their romance with a sprinkling of humour, and a touch of sauciness but not too much!

Read as part of #ABRSC read and review group for independent authors.

I will be featuring Lizzie Chantree on my blog in February with more details about Ninja School Mum’s release…

Paperback, 1, 310 pages
Expected publication: January 30th 2018 by Crooked Cat Books

Author’s website:

Twitter: @Lizzie_Chantree

My previous author spotlight post:

Happy reading,


I review lots!!! For more reviews follow the links below:


Bye for now,





My social media links:


Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club/

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time












A big, gigantic, humungous thank you to Colleen Chesebro for creating this wonderful graphic header of our amazing Facebook club – Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club which is gathering such incredible support. We now have 173 members!!!!

I’d like to thank, hug, bear hug, the lovely Vashti Vega for producing these amazing graphics of members books and sharing them on twitter:



I created the graphic below for the latest #ABRSC read and review – Brigid Gallacher’s 5 star review of Robbie Cheadle’sSir Chocolate and The Strawberry Cream Berries Story and Cookbook.


We now have a group on Goodreads for #ABRSC Christmas/New Year Read and Review a members book –

I’ve just started reading an ARC of Lizzie Chantree’s Ninja School Mum for the read and review..

By the way I’ve just discovered that Lizzie is offering a wonderful prize on her blog at the moment  – A £10 Amazon voucher and a week of tweet support for your book/business/Twitter account from @Lizzie_Chantree with over 51.5K genuine followers.
Here’s how –  All you have to do to enter is to watch my book trailer in full and leave a comment on the YouTube video. You will then be entered into a prize draw. The winner will be notified a few days later. Click the ad above or this link to be taken to the YouTube video.

NEWSFLASH – ARC’s of members books are now included in the read and review!!! I’m really enjoying Ninja Book Mum and will be reviewing on my blog soon. I’m so looking forward to hosting Lizzie on my blog in February 2018.

NEWSFLASHThe Curse of Time is on offer from now to Christmas…

Christmas Promotion


Happy reading!

Bye for now,

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My social media links: 

Check out this amazing graphic that Colleen made for our group –


Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time




My #ABRSC Review of The Box Under The Bed Anthology


Goodreads Synopsis:
Come along for a chilling ride on a ghost ship, experience eerie daydreams and psychotic killers, explore haunted houses, and send the deceased to their final destination.

And that’s just a quarter of the thrills.

Edited and compiled by Amazon bestselling author Dan Alatorre, this anthology of scary tales brings together the minds and pens of twenty authors, including bestseller Allison Maruska (The Fourth Descendant), bestselling author Jenifer Ruff (Everett), Lucy Brazier (PorterGirl), J. A. Allen, Juliet Nubel, TA Henry, Ann Marie Andrus, Heather Hackett, Barbara Anne Helberg, Scott Skipper, Joanne R. Larner, Christine Valentor, Adele Marie Park, Curtis Bausse, Annette Robinson, Frank Parker, Eric Daniel Clarke, and Maribel C. Pagan.

Perfect for Halloween or any time, these stories will make you think twice before walking alone on the beach at night, reading a diary, or innocently watching a train from your car.

Consider yourselves warned.

NOTE: Warning! American and British spelling ahead. A few stories words are olde English, too. The story The Death Of Mrs. Billen by Mr. Alatorre is from his novel An Angel On Her Shoulder, used with permission.

My review:

I intended to read The Box Under The Bed around Halloween time but I was so busy I didn’t get round to it. I’ve made up for that now, I enjoyed the Box Under The Bed very much. Without a doubt anthologies are an excellent way to discover new authors. All of the stories were a little different, some scarier than others, some gory, and there were even little touches of humour to be found. So, I’d say there is something for everyone in this anthology compiled and edited by Dan Alatorre.

There are twenty authors in all, three of which are members of the #ABRSC – Dan Alatorre, Lucy Brazier and  Adele Marie Park.

Plus stories from: Jennifer Ruff, Allison Maruska, J.A. Allen, Juliet Nubel, T.A. Henry, Anne Marie Andrus, Heather Hackett, Barbara Anne Helberg, Scott Skipper, Joanne R Larner, Christine Valentor, Curtis Bausse, Annette Robinson, Frank Parker, Eric Daniel Clarke, Maribel C Pagan, and Carrie Ann Alexis.

Would I recommend it? Yes, indeed I’ve rated this anthology four stars.

I read The Box Under The Box anthology as part of my #ABRSC Christmas Read and Review.



You can find out more about this here:

We now have a Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club Goodreads Group too: as well as our well-established and flourishing Facebook group: Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club.

Next up, I will be reading an ARC of Lizzie Chantree’s Ninja School Mum which is being published by Crooked Cat Books in Jan 2018. I will be hosting Lizzie on my blog as part of her blog tour in the New Year.

Before I go let me invite you to …. fellow administrator of the group… Colleen Chesebro’s review of Annette Rochelle Aben’s Tanka Picture Book:


Bye for now, happy reading! If you’d like to join in the #ABRSC read and review comment below, I’d love to hear from you. It doesn’t have to be a scary story! All genres welcome! xxx




Fellow Administrators of our Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC on Facebook, myself, my good friends Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies. Click on Colleen’s and Debby’s photos to be directed to their awesome blogs. These ladies rock!

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon and @curseof_time





Colleen’s #Book #Reviews – “A Tanka Picture Book,” by Author, Annette Rochelle Aben #ABRSC

First up to review for the  Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC Christmas/New Year Blog Hop Party is Colleen Chesebro with her 5 star review of Annette Rochelle Aben’s Tanka Picture Book.