Tanka Tuesday #sun #sea #rock #photography #poetry #challenge #Portimão: Rocks With Faces and a Crocodile!

The prompt this week is a photo challenge see above truck on beach from Terri at: https://secondwindleisure.com/about-me/

To concentrate on visual imagery and use the words, sun, sand and sea…

Rocks With Faces

Sun sand and sea rocks!

Creates faces to enjoy!

Close up they transform

Think its eerie that they do?

Let me share them all with you!

Rocks With Faces And Meet The Eerie Man!

(Freeform Poem.)

A playful rock whale surfaces,
Begging me, begging me,
Grab my make believe barnacles!


Salty tears fill a dinasaur’s eye,
Chiselled by years of unrelenting tide, Turbulent tears for all eternity.


Faraway a sailing boat glides along,
Unaware of the sharp nosed man,
His watery beard, lips lapping salt.


On the shore, a rugged cat grimaces,
His itch begs a scratch, But his stone face has no purr.


Close up the cat transforms,

Becoming a lonesome bunny,

Lost without his magician.

In front, a pyramid points to the heavens,
Upon it a sunbathing iquana stretches,
Its long tail delivering a zigzag crack.

I glance up,
an eerie mouth gapes,
its ragged jaw yelling danger.

My husband wades back.
He jumps in making waves,
And the water rushes in.

The tide creeps closer,
Pummelling the rock again,
Creating new faces.


A Crocodile At The Beach

Who is this fellow?

Stay back! Don’t dare come closer!

Phew, he isn’t real!


The above crocodile was an artistic piece of work. Looked very realistic!

To enter Colleen’s challenge:


Some photos of the beach and me! Yes I do love the beach!

All photos and poetry copyright ©️ M J Mallon, except for Terri’s image of truck on beach.


#TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge #Trees #Reed #Celtic #Astrology #Abhanga #Manchester #Travel #Humour

This week Colleen asked us to check out this blog to find out what kind of tree we are! Being a huge nature and tree fan I couldn’t resist!

Here’s the link. https://onetreeplanted.org/pages/what-kind-of-tree-are-you

Outcome: I am apparently a REED, The inquisitor – a secret keeper who digs to discover the real meaning and truth of things. And guess what… I love a good story!



Recently, I was in Manchester visiting my daughter, travelling around the city on trams, happily eavesdropping. Yes, I admit it, being nosy is one of my favourite pastimes!

On one tram, a group of young men were chatting about their late night. One said, “I hope you are not going to bend me like a pretzel again tonight like last night…”

Ha ha! Well, let’s just say, my author’s imagination was doing crazy somersaults imagining what he meant by this! It seems to be an acrobatic thing… tiktok, google and see. And has some sexual connotations?

I have written another poem which I intend to include in a poetry collection I’m currently working on with a sensual/love/humour theme. More about that later… It’s in early draft stages at the moment.

So, for now, this is the tame version of Bend it Like a Pretzel… The Clue On The Tram.. A Reed, Pretzels and Lads.

Abhanga are written in any number of 4-line stanzas with 6-6-6-4 syllables each. L2 and L3 rhyme. The end rhyme scheme is abbc. Don’t forget to title your poem. 

The Clue on The Tram… A Reed, Pretzels and Lads

Hey! Want to… guess my tree?

It’s bound to be a reed

Of course it is, indeed!

Count on it dear!


I confess, so obsessed,

Eavesdropping is my thrill,

I always crave my fill,

Give it to me!


Now, let me say, how odd,

Whatever can that mean?

Crazy! Is this a dream?

Or a new fad?


Bend it like a pretzel…

What an odd phrase to use!

Could it be from Youtube?

No! Manchester.


Lads after a night out,

Mind boggles twists and turns,

Drunken schenanigans,

Loose talk ears prick,


I can’t help it, love it!

More gossip, let’s indulge,

Cool stories, let them bulge.

More, let’s write more!

To join in the challenge:

Enjoy these pics of Manchester…

Of trees and forests…

Here is one of my collections devoted to trees and magic!

TANKA Tuesday no. 307 #haiku #poetry #writing #dilemma

The photo has nothing to do with the poetry but I’m smiling and been deliberating…. so… this week I’m writing a haiku to consider my forthcoming dilemma… Do I self publish my final book in the Curse of Time series, or search for a new publisher, or keep with the one I have?

Do I stay with you?
To flourish... see what happens?
Should I exchange you?

Decisions, decisions. Lots of time to make up my mind as I have just begun writing book three.

Dilemma, it is...
What to do? Decision time
Decide. Switch. Promote.

For Change chose switch, exchange
For Grow flourish, promote

In case you’ve missed it check out my interview at Colleen’s coffee klatch: https://colleenmchesebro.com/2022/11/23/colleens-coffee-klatch-mj-mallon-do-what-you-love-newrelease/


Authors Website: https://atomic-temporary-67364188.wpcomstaging.com
Authors Amazon Pagehttps://www.amazon.co.uk/M-J-Mallon/e/B074CGNK4L
Next Chapter Publishing Author Page: https://www.nextchapter.pub/authors/mj-mallon
Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon https://twitter.com/Marjorie_Mallon 

#ABRSC – Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1829166787333493/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/m-j-mallon 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjmallonauthor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjmallonauthor/

Bookstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjm_reviews/

#TankaTuesdayWeekly #Poetry Challenge #etheree

This week’s challenge is a photo prompt. from photographer, Terri Webster Schrandt, from secondwindleisure.com to share her photos with us for inspiration. Terri runs a weekly photo challenge called Sunday Stills. Check it out HERE.

Terri says: “This is a filtered version of a rose I photographed at the International Rose Test Garden in Portland.”

I imagined an artist painting a life portrait of his love.

Here are my Etheree poems:

Love Unchained❤️

Heartstrings play
Captured verses
Loose petals scatter
My brush strokes velveteen
On your desirable skin!
My breath hitches with excitement
Your hair loosens, and your smile escapes,
You laugh so hard that each rose tumbles free…


Painting Your Beauty With Rose Petals 🌹

A bouquet of a dozen blooms arrive
As lipstick red as each dewy kiss
My rapt caresses make you smile
With trembling hands I begin
To paint your dear beauty
With red rose petals
I’m cherishing
Such naked



Latest Release Details:


Do What You Love Fragility of Your Flame Poems, Photography & Flash Fiction is a personal poetry collection celebrating how the fates may have a part in all that we do.

With special poems and short reflective moments inspired by family, flowers and nature, love, scrumptious morsels, places I’ve visited, lived and intend to live in, the friendships and hopes I have for the future.

The overarching theme is to live a life well lived… And to do what you love.

float along with me
create clouds of sweetest joy
to do what you love
hold fate’s hand as we venture
near and far on life’s journey


Buy Links Do What You Love:

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0BKLC9DYY/

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-love-Fragility-Photography-ebook/dp/B0BKLC9DYY/

Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/What-You-love-Fragility-Photography-ebook/dp/B0BKLC9DYY/#

Reviews And Features:

Book Review: ‘Do What You Love – Fragility of Your Flame’ by MJ Mallon

A review of Marjorie Mallon’s new book. Do What You Love .

I am thrilled to say that three of my poetry collections, (Mr. Sagittarius, The Hedge Witch & The Musical Poet and Lockdown Innit,) have been requested by prestigious libraries in the UK: The British Library, The Bodleian Library Oxford University, the Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin for Legal Deposit.

Add the book to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63114445-do-what-you-love

Media kit: https://atomic-temporary-67364188.wpcomstaging.com/2022/11/04/media-kit-do-what-you-love-fragility-of-your-flame-poems-photography-flashfiction-new-book-release-writingcommunity-poetrycommunity-mediakit-paperback/

Other poetry/flash fiction collections:

Kyrosmagica Publishing

The Hedge Witch And The Musical Poet


Mr. Sagittarius Poetry and Prose


Anthology – This Is Lockdown, (poetry, diaries and flash fiction – kindle)


Poetry during Lockdown – Lockdown Innit


Colleen’s publishing services including cover design and formatting which I can recommend:


Poetry also features in my highly acclaimed YA Fantasy series.  Each chapter begins with a short poem. The Curse of Time Book 1 Bloodstone and Book 2 Golden Healer are published by Next Chapter Publishing.




#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRY CHALLENGE NO. 199, #Seville #Travels, #birthday #scarf 11/22/22, #THEMEPROMPT

Happy thanksgiving to all my friends in the US. No turkey here but perhaps I can offer you a freshly brewed coffee from Seville.

This week’s prompt seemed particularly apt as I just bought myself a treat with my birthday money. It was my birthday on the 17th November… I tend to keep this much to myself nowadays. We went away to Seville for a few days holiday and I absolutely loved it. What a wonderful city.

I didn’t buy the new scarf there. Hubby isn’t a big fan of shopping… But I did manage to get him to spend a little bit of time shopping – he bought me some lovely new clothes for my birthday.

Now… the new scarf, is from Tavira in Portugal and it is very colourful! But, this prompt asked for a story to be told in poetry about a grey scarf so I thought why not! Give it a go…

Anyway, the poem isn’t true to life as I have no intention of casting my new scarf aside but a little artistic licence is allowed…

On a whim I bought a colourful scarf
Like Joseph’s technicolor dreamcoat
It brings me nightmares and trouble!
My siblings are so jealous
So, I cast it aside
I buy a grey scarf
No one sees me
I sleep well
It brings

Me and my grey scarf have such adventures
Settling around my neck with ease
We paint the world in brilliance
Nothing is ever drab now
There is colour in dark
Fountains of rainbows
And no more sighs
Light in shade

Tomorrow is the launch day for my new poetry, flash fiction and photograph collection. Excited for that! If you’d like to wish me a belated happy birthday I’d love it if you bought a copy of my new book.

@ColleenChesebro #TankaTuesday #poetry #challenge #specificform #kouta #prompt provided by @ReenaSaxena

Big bubbles don’t cause troubles
Not when friends are blowing them
Quick to catch they float away
Then we start again!

© M J Mallon

Champagne bubbles cause troubles
Hiccups, and trip ups
Oops. Giggles and then spill ups
Sore heads the next day!

© M J Mallon


The Kouta 小唄 (little or short song) is a popular Japanese verse form of the Muromachi Period, 14th thru 16th century. The lyrical song was resurrected as a geisha song in the late 1800s and is still popular today.

The form has several variations, though always short in only 4 lines, a 5th line is sometimes added. 

The theme reflects ordinary life and often uses colloquialisms and onomatopoeia. The most popular are love songs. 

The elements of Kouta are:

  1. a poem in 4 lines. (an occasional 5th line may appear)
  2. a standalone poem, but its often is accompanied by other Koutas with the same theme.
  3. syllabic, variable odd numbered syllable lengths, the most common patterns are written in lines of alternating 7-5-7-5 syllables or 7-7-7-5 syllables. 
  4. secular, personal, themes of ordinary life.
  5. often include onomatopoeia (defined above).

These are inspired by a day I spent with old friends and we blew bubbles in the sun!

The poem below on this theme appears in my soon to be released poetry, photography and flash fiction book, Do What you Love Fragility of Your Flame.


bubbles in the sun
playing a musical dance
basking in our sweet friendship
admiring her art
we both praise
a special day for Catherine

(Excerpt Do What You Love © M J Mallon)


Do What You Love Fragility of Your Flame Poems, Photography & Flash Fiction is a personal poetry collection celebrating how the fates may have a part in all that we do.

With special poems and short reflective moments inspired by family, flowers and nature, love, scrumptious morsels, places I’ve visited, lived and intend to live in, the friendships and hopes I have for the future.

The overarching theme is to live a life well lived… And to do what you love.

float along with me
create clouds of sweetest joy
to do what you love
hold fate’s hand as we venture
near and far on life’s journey

(Excerpt Do What You Love © M J Mallon)

Release Date: 25th November 2022, able to preorder via the following links.

Buy Links Do What You Love:

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0BKLC9DYY/

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-love-Fragility-Photography-ebook/dp/B0BKLC9DYY/

Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/What-You-love-Fragility-Photography-ebook/dp/B0BKLC9DYY/#

Reviews And Features:


I am thrilled to say that two of my poetry collections, (Mr. Sagittarius and Lockdown Innit,) have been requested by prestigious libraries in the UK: The British Library, The Bodleian Library Oxford University, the Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin for Legal Deposit.

Add the book to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63114445-do-what-you-love

The cover of the paperback and kindle have been designed by Colleen Chesebro who has a new service for authors which I can highly recommend. Colleen also designed the interior and cover of The Hedge Witch And The Musical Poet.




Media kit: https://atomic-temporary-67364188.wpcomstaging.com/2022/11/04/media-kit-do-what-you-love-fragility-of-your-flame-poems-photography-flashfiction-new-book-release-writingcommunity-poetrycommunity-mediakit-paperback/

Other poetry/flash fiction collections:

Kyrosmagica Publishing

The Hedge Witch And The Musical Poet


Mr. Sagittarius Poetry and Prose


Anthology – This Is Lockdown, (poetry, diaries and flash fiction – kindle)


Poetry during Lockdown – Lockdown Innit


Poetry also features in my highly acclaimed YA Fantasy series.  Each chapter begins with a short poem. The Curse of Time Book 1 Bloodstone and Book 2 Golden Healer are published by Next Chapter Publishing.




Colleen’s Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 107, “Haunt & Spell,” #SynonymsOnly

Here’s my entry for Colleen’s weekly poetry challenge.

It’s been ages since I’ve been able to take part due to long working hours, etc, but seeing as it is nearly Halloween I couldn’t resist! For Haunt I chose lair, and for spell I decided upon trick.

A Lair of Sweetness

Hope you enjoyed my Tanka….

Moon magic




Colleen’s Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 65: AMBITION & CHANGE (#SynonymsOnly)


This week’s prompt words from Colleen – ambition and change really attracted me. My youngest is going through quite a lot of impending changes at the moment. She plans to go to University in September to study Fashion Management,  and I am so excited for her. Also my husband and I are considering plans in the not too distant future to move abroad, not definite yet, but we are talking about it! Change is exciting but it is also scary too. But, you’ll never know how new challenges will develop unless you give them a try. So that is going to be my motto for 2018. Try new things, be adventurous!

To join in with Colleen’s poetry challenge follow the link:


So here is my Tanka using the synonyms, aspiration for ambition, and transform for change.

An aspiration,To study, seek adventure, A huge opportunity, Scary too, fashionista's!Transform, my little d

I am including the following short extract from The Curse of Time – Bloodstone – Book 1 in which the main character Amelina considers how someone you’ve just met – Ryder – can seem to change at an alarming rate. And yet, that person captivates you into wanting more of that dark, dangerous charisma!

Every nerve ending in my body flooded with a multitude of emotions until I felt like a quivering mound of nervous, trembling jelly. Taking deep soothing breaths, I reached for my headphones to shut out this horrible, senseless world. I craved ear-piercing rock, a vault of high adrenalin noise. That would be sure to do the trick.
I turned up the sound and relaxed, lying in my bed. My thoughts returned to Ryder. What did I know about him? He had appeared as a stranger and then surprised me by coming to my rescue. He had scared those creepy boys off. I had to admit that I didn’t understand him or them either. His personality had switched. One moment he’d been all smiles and then boom, he’d changed, a scary intensity erupting out of those incredible eyes. I imagined his face staring at me again. He had a mysterious power in him that much I could see, so much so, that even the ground beneath his feet responded to him.
I remembered that Ryder had introduced himself to me but hadn’t bothered to ask my name. I scratched my head in puzzlement. Yet he knew who I was. Somehow, he knew those boys’ names too. It struck me as strange and unsettling. But one thing I knew for sure I experienced a trickle of life flowing in my veins. This sensation had long been missing from my life. It heralded an awakening, and I shivered in delight. I felt excited, confused, and more than a little scared. But I felt alive.
I experienced this magnetic pull of some hidden power that drew me towards him. With little difficulty, I realised he was a secret I would be wise to keep to myself. Mum and Dad would go mad if I mentioned that I’d met him down the river pathway. Hero or Prince, they wouldn’t understand. Besides, the possibility of keeping dark and mysterious secrets appealed to me. They were the best, most wicked kind.


Hope you enjoyed the extract. Feel free to comment below I love receiving feedback from you all.

Hope your 2018 started off better than mine did! I’ve been a bit poorly so apologies for the late message to wish you a very Happy, and Healthy New Year! xx




My Social Media Links:
Fellow Administrators of our Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC on Facebook, myself, my good friends, Colleen Chesebro, and Debby Gies.


Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook

Goodreads #ABRSC Read and Review




Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 39 – MIRROR & HARBOR

Today for Colleen’s Weekly #poetry challenge I’m focusing on a short excerpt from my debut novel The Curse of Time – Book 1 – The Bloodstone  which I will be releasing this summer, (all the relevant details have been emailed to my book cover designer!) plus a new Tanka I’ve written.

Excerpt: The Curse of Time – Book 1 – the Bloodstone

I felt the need to unravel the mystery of my father’s disappearance. Somehow, I knew it all began with Esme, a captured victim of a curse who lived in the mirrors of our house and kept out a watchful eye. I could see her but Mum couldn’t. As far as I could tell, neither could Dad. That suited me because Esme was my secret.

I remembered seeing Esme shortly after she had vanished from school, when Dad disappeared, two years ago. The memories of that day flooded into me so much that I’d thought I had been hallucinating. Poor Esme. When I saw her reflection staring at me in the mirror, the first thing I did to acknowledge her presence was to grab a flannel and try to wipe her away. Some welcoming! Except, she wasn’t a reflection she existed. When she spoke, I almost fell over in shock. 

‘Hey, stop that,’ she scolded, ‘I don’t need a shower, you’re making me all smeary.’ I stepped back and stumbled in surprise. This was crazy. Bizarre. Extraordinary, how could this be happening? At that moment, I felt like I had tumbled into a Dr Who mystery. Who else had such a dysfunctional family – a disappearing Dad, an accomplished vanishing cat, a cranky Mum, and now, a girl who lived in mirrors for a best friend? No one!

© M J Mallon 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Time's up!Time out!


Hope you enjoyed the Tanka and that the excerpt piqued your interest.

Here’s an infographic to see the type of themes I’ve explored in my YA debut novel – The Curse of Time. Come, enter the maze….

Untitled design (1)

To join Colleen’s fun challenge follow the link: https://colleenchesebro.com/2017/06/27/colleens-weekly-poetry-challenge-39-mirror-harbor/

Bye for now,



My social media links:

Facebook: Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club

Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon
Twitter: @curseof_time




Fellow Administrators of our Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC on Facebook, myself, my good friends Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies. Click on Colleen’s and Debby’s photos to be directed to their awesome blogs. These ladies rock!

Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 38 – FAIRY & MAGIC

Today, my husband and I had a grisly conversation about death… not exactly a cheery morning chit chat but I thought if I have to go one day and no doubt I will…. this is how I’d like to imagine it… Not some black, bleak, meaningless end.  No, I’d like a supernatural being to visit me. No vampires please unless you are so handsome and your final bite is worth it! Perhaps a magnificent unicorn to carry me far away on some incredible adventure, or a mermaid to take me swimming in some exotic land… Wait a minute…. What about many supernatural beings, (except zombies – they don’t rock my boat!) plus the delicate kindness of the fairies to see me off?…. Now, that sounds perfect!

Continue reading Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge # 38 – FAIRY & MAGIC