Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge: Magic And Stars


It has been an age since I have written any haiku. Sigh!

Recently  Denis at haiku hound commented on one of my posts, but added – where are your haiku? Good point Denis – his comment prompted me to write this post! Thanks so much for the encouragement. 🙂

Denis is a keen haiku poet, photographer and also has some stunning afghan hounds – do check out his blog:  Haiku Hound – Afghan Hounds

I have really missed joining in with Ronovan’s weekly challenge. Unfortunately I have just been so busy job hunting, editing my manuscript, etc, etc.

Good news – I now have a new job… More about that soon. It’s a bit of a secret. Kyrosmagica likes secrets but all will be revealed soon. But one things for certain I doubt that you will guess what my new job is, as it is quite unusual.

This weeks prompt really caught my attention… Magic and stars. Kyrosmagica is all about the magical moments in life whether it’s simply reading a book, walking and observing the beauty all around us or engaging in creative endeavours. Kyrosmagica also tries to reflect on the deeper aspects of life – you can’t have light without a touch of darkness… But today, I’m feeling lighthearted so let’s celebrate love with Ronovan’s beautiful prompt words magic and stars!

My haiku is inspired by my recent visit to Tavira, in the Portugese Algarve. To find out more about Tavira do visit this excellent website: Tavira Uncovered. In this quaint town there is a bridge dedicated to love! All along the bridge padlocks are attached, with the names of partners, husbands, wives, and lovers!

This particularly bright pink padlock caught my eye. I do hope that Stefan and Claudia are still together!


Magical Fireworks Explode

Stars twinkle brightly,

Magical fireworks explode,

When I’m near to you.


Stars padlocked our love,

In magical Tavira,

Love you forever.


The key’s ours alone,

No one else can break the bond,

Magic star of love.


This bridge links our love,

A magical star glistens,

On this pink full heart.


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Tavira is such a lovely quaint place to visit, with an oldie world charm, so with that in mind here are some of my photos to tempt you:

Two views from either side of the lovers!!! bridge ….




 My daughter looking tiny amongst the quaint old buildings!

There are some lovely churches in Tavira:


Of course when love hits the mark it’s truly magical, and so is Tavira. If you’d like to see my other Portugal post do visit here: Portugal Missing You

I hope you liked my haiku. Do join in with Ronovan’s challenge.

Here’s the link to find out more: Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge – Magic and Stars

Oh and see if you can guess what my new job is…

Bye for now, much love. Happy Sunday!





Ronovan Write’s Haiku Challenge: Rein and Quest



I have to say I was struggling with Ron’s prompt words this week: rein and quest… until I began cooking the dinner. I asked my daughters what they’d like to have with their chicken and they said skinny chips. So I thought no problem, just bought them today, they’ll be in the freezer. WRONG!! Could I find those skinny chips anywhere …. no I couldn’t, somehow I’d misplaced them, they were so skinny that they’d vanished, evaporated into thin air. Along with my evidence – my grocery receipt- had I bought them at all or had it just been a wicked figment of my imagination?  Who knows. Anyway, to cut a long story short I had to find an alternative. Of course there were big fat chips, potato croquettes, and two healthier options: new and sweet potatoes in the fridge. In other words every combination of potato known to man was present and correct apart from the much desired skinny fries! I suppose I could have made some triple fried chips… what on earth, maybe not. So as a consolation, I chopped up the sweet potatoes and added some herbs and a touch of olive oil. Much more healthy! So our quest for skinny chips became a quest for healthy eating,  with the added bonus of a salad too!! Luckily no one complained, everyone loves sweet potato chips.

So here’s my haiku with that in mind:


Photo courtesy of Freepik:


Sweet Tatty Fries!!

Rein it in darlings,

Quit that quest for skinny chips,

A ‘Triple fried’ please!


Mum’s lost the chip plot,

Rein in your greedy tummies,

Quest: sweet tatty fries!


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.


Do pop over to Ronovan’s blog to join in the haiku fun:

Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge-98- Rein and Quest


I’m currently reading – Amber Wake Gabriel Falling, oh I do love a pirate adventure… how exciting, more about that soon …. review to follow…. perhaps it might have been our pirate captain who stole my skinny fries… maybe Ronovan will have an angle on that? I hope I won’t have to make him walk the Kyrosmagica plank for his misdoings!
Amber Wake


Hope you enjoyed my haiku.. keep on smiling pirates!!  It’s Friday tomorrow, doesn’t that sound good? Oh dear do take care watch you don’t succumb to too many glasses of vino…. or you might hear man overboard!


Bye for now,



Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx


My fun (totally not serious but nevertheless 90% true,) author bio on Wattpad – Link below.

Marjorie Mallon was born in Lion City: Singapore. She grew up in a mountainous court in Hong Kong. Her crazy parents dragged her  spotty soul away from her exotic childhood and her much loved dog Topsy to the frozen wastelands of Scotland. There she mastered Scottish country dancing, haggis bashing, bagpipe playing and a whole new Och Aye lingo. 
As a teenager she travelled to many far flung destinations to visit her abacus wielding wayfarer dad. On one such occasion a  barracuda swam by. It stopped to view her  bikini clad body, longing to take a big bite. With dogs' fangs replacing barracudas' teeth, she returned to her mother's birthplace: Kuching, Cat City. There, Blackie, a black-hearted dog sniffed her frightened butt, whimpered and ran away! Shortly after this extraordinary event an angry female Orang-Utan chased her unfit ass out of the Malaysian jungle believing that she was a threat to her babies! She still monkeys about, would love to own a cat, or a replacement Topsy but refuses to entertain  murderous dogs, or over-protective monkeys.
It's rumoured that she lives in the Venice of Cambridge, with her six foot hunk of a Rock God husband, and her two enchanted daughters. 
After such an upbringing her author's mind has taken total leave of its senses. When she's not writing, she eats exotic delicacies while belly dancing, or surfs to the far reaches of the moon. To chill out she practises Tai Chi and Yoga on the crest of a wave. If the mood takes her she goes snorkelling with mermaids, or signs up for idyllic holidays with the Chinese Unicorn, whose magnificent voice sings like a thousand wind chimes. 

She is a child of the light and the dark. Her motto is simply this: Do what you love,  stay true to your heart's desires, remain young at heart, and  inspire others to do so, even if it appears that the odds are stacked like black hearted shadows against you...


My Links: 








Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge#87 Class and Firm


Ronovan’s prompt words this week, class and firm seem to be very appropriate judging by my new part-time role working in a primary school.

It’s been quite a week. We’ve had rain, fog, cold days, mishaps, sharing issues, arguments, little fights and then…. one day this week the fire alarm went off during the lunch break and the little ‘uns were very upset. They thought their school was about to burn down, and they wanted their mummies! So I did my best to reassure them that this was not the case and it was just the kitchens getting too hot!! Poor wee mites, when you’re little every drama ends up being a major crisis of disproportionate proportions.

It didn’t help that just before the fire alarm went off one of the little girls hurt her lip, adding even more drama to an already raging inferno!

So the Monkeying Around haiku below is with them in mind…. sometimes, I’d advocate a fair old dousing of over imaginativeitis – only in extreme cases you understand!  But if all else fails a big hug from mum is always a good idea:



Raging school drama,

Classes monkeying around,

Firm, but fair dousing!


Oh and today I came across one of many little cherubs. This one with curly blond hair and the brightest blue eyes,  but even little cherubs can be challenging! This little fellow only responds to the words kind hands when he’s been a bit naughty – kind hands involves putting your little hands up in the air and proposing kindness to your  fingertips… miraculously it seemed to work, perhaps he is a bit theatrically inclined. I hope when I ask him to do it again his hands oblige!

I mentioned it to my youngest daughter and she laughed and admitted that she was really naughty in reception!!! In fact she was so naughty that she used to have to stay in sometimes as they wouldn’t let her out to play! And I thought she was an angel, us mothers, huh!!! She sounds like a cherub too….



A little cherub,

Not naughty just challenging,

Firm words then kind hands.


Do pop over to Ronovan Writes, to join in with the haiku weekly challenge fun:


Hope you liked my haiku.

Have a lovely weekend, have fun, but remember no monkeying around!

Bye for now,


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx



Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge No: 86



The prompt words this week from Ronovan are Flash and Dance.

I’ve just started a part-time job in my girls’ old primary school, a bit of a change from my last job working in John Lewis over Christmas!  On Monday I was on supervisory duty in the playground mainly keeping an eye on the kids playing on the climbing frame. On my first day there were kids leaping on kids, a boy with two scrapped knees, a girl who got bark in her eye, and a group of year four girls who came and introduced themselves to me and told me all about the play they were in. They were telling me about their parts, how many lines they had or proudly boasting that their part was a baddie! How outrageous! All in all it was quite entertaining… So I said that my two children used to go to their primary school too and I asked them to guess my daughter’s ages. The first one said, ‘ twenty five! ‘ I said, ‘Do I look that old?’ Then of course the next girl said,’forty five,’ but after that the numbers started to come down, thank heavens! Cheeky devils !

It brought back a conversation I had with my youngest daughter recently. I asked her what she liked to do in the playground when she was at primary school, she said skipping, and playing games but she mainly just danced with her best friend! How very theatrical, and artistically inclined, she’s not changed a jot – she still loves to dance. Her friend likewise is still keen on performing, just recently I watched her acting, and singing with The Young Actor’s Company  in their sell out performance at Cambridge Junction.  Jack Drum’s Entertainment will be playing in Oxford on the 5th of March, and London on 7th March at Bloomsbury Theatre. To find out more about this play being performed by such a talented group of young actors, follow the link:

I can’t say that I saw anyone dance in the playground apart from a tiny hint of a dance when one of the year four girls did a little bit of dancing from the show, just before she got called to have her lunch. That was the moment I was waiting for…… but it was gone in a blink of the eye.

So this week’s haiku is inspired by my daughter’s love of dance:


Primary dancers

Playground extravaganza

A duo flashdance

Here’s the link to Ronovan’s blog so you can join in the haiku challenge:

It’s good to know that there are some theatrical types in the playground, but perhaps that’s enough melodrama for now!

Bye for now,

bitstrips melodrama

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx




Ronovan Writes Haiku Prompt Challenge: Crystal and Hope



Well with a prompt like that from Ron there is just no way that I wouldn’t join in with the Haiku prompt challenge this week. Who could say no? Not me for sure.

Here’s a link to Ron’s blog if you’d like to join his weekly challenge:

I just love Crystals, and they feature in my writing.

Hope and Crystals kind of go hand in hand don’t they?

But perhaps with light there is always a touch of darkness, so with my haiku I am going to focus on the idea of unrequited love.

We all have at some time in our lives experienced differing degrees of unrequited relationships. In my experience I remember one such case when I was very young, it wasn’t love,  it was a touch of infatuation.  I fancied this young chap, and to be honest I kind of made it pretty obvious that I liked him. We did go out on a date but it was no fun at all, he  just dumped me in the middle of the night in Edinburgh not caring how I got home or if I got home.  In his eyes I think it was a bit of a prank to play on me, he must have thought I had been chasing him and perhaps he didn’t even fancy me. Anyway it was very upsetting and the memory of it still remains with me to this day. But it did teach me one thing, anyone that behaves in such an uncaring and unpleasant way can’t be worthy of my attention let alone of a relationship with me. So this curly haired young chap did me a favour in a way, his behaviour made me a little more reticent perhaps in chasing after a boy. I never went out with curly haired boys ever again! Instead I chose dark haired guys with straight hair, played it cool, let the boys do the running and the boys seemed to like that! So girls, take a tip from me, keep an aura of mystique and let the guy do the chasing.

Thereafter nobody broke my heart, not that he did, but he dented my pride. I have been lucky in love, and for that I am very blessed, so the haiku at the end of this blog post ends on a positive note.

So with that in mind let’s return back to Ron’s prompt words Crystal and Hope, by introducing you to a photo that I took of a very special crystal grotto,  isn’t it spectacular?

get-attachment Kyrstallos picture

I wrote a post way back about this amazing place called Juniper Artland where I photographed this grotto, “The Light That Pours Out Of Me,” by Anya Gallacio, so perhaps if you’ve been following my blog for a long while you will remember it. If not, then here it is, (it’s always worth a multiple visit, so do click on the link):

Juniper Artland is a must see recommendation f you are ever in Scotland, it really is an amazingly inspiring place, here’s some of the other links on my blog in which I feature my response to sculptures at this wonderful Artland (via my photography and poetry) :

So this is my haiku inspired by Anya Gallacio’s magnificent Crystal grotto:


The Grotto of Unrequited Love


His  promise ring sits,

Crystal bright on my finger,

Mockery of  hope.


 In  tearful pieces,

Hope’s sweet embrace lost in stone,

Cruel, a clear cut edge.


Pain’s ocean rages,

Knife to fortune’s longing heart,

Hope’s pathway crumbles.


Crystal deep ridges,

Bury far inside my soul,

Desire groaning.


Luminous moment,

Lips lock hope’s tomfoolery,

Final kiss goodbye.


Fool I, to want you,

Curly haired lover,

Hope’s cheeky prankster .



Darkness fills my soul, echoes,

Past sorrows return.


Transient moments,

Now, forgotten, forgiven,

Replaced by love’s light.


In Crystal Grotto,

Forever, hope, sparkles bright,

Love finds its sweet way.


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.


Do comment and let me know what you thought of my haikus, and of course the amazing  Juniper Artland.

Today I’m off work, so I’m doing a bit of blogging this morning, then off to Tai Chi, later in the day I have lots of chores to catch up on, sigh, if only I could do them like this!

Bye for now,

file (8)

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

Ronovan Writes Haiku Prompt Challenge: Vast and Clear



This week Ronovan’s prompt words are Vast and Clear let’s see, what can I come up with…. tricky… I’m feeling melancholy today, not a usual state for me, but one that often follows the aftermath of all the Christmas festivities. I tend to be prone to a large dollop of the New Year blues!

Instead of fighting against this like I usually do I thought it might be interesting to try to focus on this sense of sadness and despair because like an actor, an author has to get into role and use feelings to good effect!

I intend to utilise this in some of my New Year writing so please do forgive the less humorous approach!  Kyrosmagica blog is all about the lightness and darkness in life, in my experience both go hand in hand, and the interplay between the two fascinate me.

I’ve called my miserable haiku Nothing New,  Kills Me.

I made a mistake when writing this I thought the prompt words were vast and new instead of vast and clear so apologies Ronovan, I’ve edited most of the haikus with the word clear!!


Nothing New,  Kills Me


Your words lodge bitter,

Vast oceans of clear sadness,

Nothing new, kills me.


New heartbreak lodges,

Vast cruel, unsurmountable.

Terrors playing friends.


A new morning comes,

Light Trickling through clear windows,

Whispering vast nonsense.


New and old mingle,

Clear, lengthy fragments, spoken,

Vast,  unstoppable.


New light promises,

Vast, clear, illuminating,

Ruin of darkness.


New guilty footsteps,

Clear no one will find me love,

Vast oceans away.


© Marjorie Mallon 2016 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.


Hope you liked the angst laden haiku! I feel a lot better, writing sad haiku is so therapeutic…   enough melodrama for one day, now it’s time to do the washing…


Bye for now,

bitstrips melodrama


Marje @ Kyrosmagica x

Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge #72: Life and Give


This week Ron’s words are Life and Give. I was struggling with these two words but this morning I had a eureka moment, which was quite strange considering I had a few too many glasses of wine last night and I didn’t expect to wake up full of ideas! Amazingly I didn’t have a hangover, in fact I felt quite clear headed, strange indeed. I made myself a cup of tea and then I looked at my birthday cards sitting by the windowsill, and my friend Christine’s card caught my eye, with these cheeky words:

“The Older you Get The Better You Get Unless you Are A Banana.”

Typical Christine she likes to have a giggle! Well I’m grateful for her funny card reminding me that I’m getting on a bit, as it has given me an idea for this week’s haiku words, Give And Life. Her card is very appropriate too as I happen to love bananas, but having said that there is nothing quite as unappealing as an overripe banana. This squirrel knows he’s munching away at a very tasting looking banana, but could it be his last banana? Do any of us know when our time will come? So enjoy every mouthful of life that’s what I say, don’t just nibble half hearteningly go at it with a big bite!



Banana Love

Give me one big bite
Before your jaws clench honey
Adios sweet life

Poor squirrel I hope I didn’t knock him off his happy munching spot, he looks pretty healthy so I’m sure he will munch his way through many more tasty bananas.

The next haiku is not cheery in nature perhaps its the result of my reading The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King, my current read.

If you’re interested in writing a short story here’s a link to the Stephen King Guardian Short Story Competition, closing date is 18th December, 2015.


Car of death

I can’t embrace life

This car gives death bites

I’m a murderer.

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

My mind really does work in mysterious ways! All this from a birthday card, it’s amazing where inspiration can take you to, so keep an eye out for those unexpected sources lingering everywhere.

Here’s the links to Ronovan’s blog to join in the haiku fun:

And his excellent advice on how to write a haiku, I like to refer to this from time to time to refresh my memory:

Bye for now,



Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge #62 Start & Hot


RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #62 Start&Hot

Isn’t this pretty? Really like this prompt photo Ron, very nice indeed. Love the orange leaves against the grey – very striking.

This week’s prompt words for Ron’s Weekly Haiku Challenge are Start and Hot, and boy did these two words give me trouble, I just wasn’t feeling it. My haiku engine wasn’t starting, it was at a dead stand still believe me. In fact  it protested like an old uncharged car battery on a freezing cold snowy day. I was stumped and practically gave up. You nearly had me throwing in the towel Ron, but I kept on at it, played with words, and fiddled about until I came up with these two haikus: Hot Rave Drug Murder and Tsunami of Tears. Not particularly cheerful haiku this week, I’m sorry to say, but at least I get full marks for being determined!!

Hot Rave Drug Murder


A cliff hanger start

The final chapter shocker

Hot Rave Drug Murder


It reads as:


A cliffhanger start the final chapter shocker.

The final chapter shocker hot rave drug murder


Then after muddling through that first haiku I came up with this:


Tsunami of Tears


Start running, death calls

Hot, still sand surrenders souls

Tsunami of tears


 It reads as:


Start running death calls hot still sand surrenders souls.


Hot still sand surrenders souls tsunami of tears.

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Here’s the link to Ronovan Writes Challenge:

Hope you like this weeks haiku. I kind of looked a bit shocked like my Bitstrips cartoon character when I finally worked it out!

Do leave a comment I’d love to hear from you.

Bye for now.


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #61 Tears and Wine


Hey guess what it’s time for Ron’s Haiku Prompt Challenge, and the prompt words this week are wine and tears. Interesting combination…. Yes tears often follow wine. They could be tears of happiness at a celebration. A wedding perhaps, or a birth of a baby. But sometimes unhappy tears follow wine too. Sometimes things can happen on a night out, a lost wallet, or a phone perhaps? Too much alcohol is often the reason! Or in some cases a lost wallet, and a phone. I heard a story about this recently and apparently a very kind person came to this youngster’s rescue and gave her money for a taxi home. Now isn’t that a wonderfully uplifting story? It just convinces me that the spirit of human kindness is still alive and well.

But my advice would be –  enjoy your night out but make sure you are sober enough that you can get home safely, so here’s a haiku with that in mind:


Lost and Alone Tears

Wine drinker’s advice

Deceptive nightclub fun high

Empty wallet tears


Once you are back home safe and sound why not have something sweet to end the evening? As long as your stomach is up to it! Otherwise you might be wise to settle for an alka seltzer. To make it a bit different I’d thought a deconstructed cheesecake might be the perfect choice, or if not, a wine glass full of sweet heart lollipops:



Tears of Sweetest Joy

Produce dessert wine

Deconstruct a  cheesecake dear

Tears of sweetest joy


Ping back Link

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.


Thanks for stopping by Kyrosmagica.  I do hope that you like my haiku this week, and that I don’t sound too preachy. I worry about all those youngsters getting back home safely at night.

Hope you like my new comic me, I’ve had fun doing these, it’s uncanny how it kind of looks like me! My pal Colleen at Silver Threading has been giving me lots of tips, she’s an expert on these Bitstrips cartoons. Thank you so much Colleen.

Bye for now.


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx


Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #60 Bridge and Move


I’ve been out of the loop of Haiku challenges for a while as I’ve been up in Edinburgh looking after my mum after her operation. Luckily she’s as fit as a fiddle and bouncing back to health at a miraculous pace.  She’s a regular churchgoer and apparently the congregation pray for those who are ill or in hospital, and in her case it seems to have worked, quite amazing, not much pain, just a bit tired as if she’s had a serious case of man flu or something.

So in between helping my mum out I managed to have a bit of a holiday in Edinburgh, taking in the delights of the Edinburgh International Festival, and the Book Festival too, you may have seen some of my recent blog posts.

Now that I’m back in Cambridge, I’m happy to be joining in this week with Ron’s weekly haiku challenge, here’s the link if you’d like to take part:

The prompt words this week are bridge and move.

My first haiku is about my experience on the train coming home from Edinburgh. I was sitting opposite a Chinese lady and her son. She was obviously hungry as she rummaged in her bag and pulled out a large chocolate cheesecake, (it looked like it served four people,)  and sat there and ate the majority of it all by herself. Her son nibbled on a chocolate and in a short while finished off the last remaining crumbs of that cheesecake before polishing off a packet of crisps. This amused me no end. I know that Chinese people love their food, (my mum’s from Malaysia so I know this without a shadow of a doubt,) but I always thought they prefer savoury to sweet so this astonished me. In fact they were very entertaining to listen to, the lady started telling the people sitting next to her about all her travels in the Far East, so I got my eavesdropping ears on, (an absolute must if you have any aspirations to be a writer,) and had a jolly old-time. It ended up being a very interesting  journey home.

So this haiku is an eves-dropping thank you for the Chinese lady on the train, and a celebration of her eating so much chocolate cheesecake in one sitting! I hope she likes cats, didn’t have an upset tummy afterwards, and will forgive me for being such a nosey parker.

Isn’t this picture cute?



A Sweet Bridge Too Far

Moving train journey

Kitty! Choc cheesecake delight

A sweet bridge too far?


And the next one, which I have entitled We’re Finished Lover, well I don’t know where this one came from!

Oh I tell I lie, whilst I was up in Edinburgh at the Book Festival I saw a  little haiku book that caught my eye, it’s called Haiku for The Single Girl by Beth Griffenhagen, with wonderful illustrations by Cynthia Vehslage Meyers (Illustrator) so it inspired me to write this haiku:


We’re Finished Lover

Move an inch baby

Don’t dare cross that bridge sweetheart

We’re finished lover


Hope you enjoy my couple of  haiku offerings this week. Haiku always make me smile, I hope they make you smile too.

Bye for now.


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.