New Release! Shh, Purely Poetry by M.J. Mallon @Marjorie_Mallon @dlfinnauthor #newrelease #poetry #whattoread #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity

Thank you so much to D. L. Finn for featuring me on her blog today with a wonderful 5 star review for my new release. Do pop over to her blog to celebrate my launch!

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Source: New Release! Shh, Purely Poetry by M.J. Mallon @Marjorie_Mallon #newrelease #poetry #whattoread #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity


A loving collection of poetry that delicately weaves in relationships at many stages. Many are sensual, full of texture and images, and some offer unique takes on human interaction. Here are a few beautiful passages: “The Sweetness/The longing/Each kiss deeper/different and the same/Like I belonged to more than him/Like I belonged to the poetry.”؅—Dining on Poetry, “…beautiful calligraphy to highlight/tiny ink splodges to add character/tear drops to remind me of sad days.”—Love Hidden In the Margin, and “She is fair and I am dark/Slight and I am robust/We fill our together/completing our silhouettes.”—Silhouettes. “Shh, Purely Poetry” is meant to be savored more than once by lovers of sensuous and thoughtful poems.