Latest News: Midnight Roost Anthology #anthology #bookcommunity #blogs @paulkaneshadow @josephcarrabis @Godsangel1

I am so delighted to be a contributing author in Midnight Roost Anthology with my story The Cull.

Opening blog from Kaye Lynn Booth:

The blog tour has begun!

Monday – October 16 – Opening Day –Isabele Grey (Interview & Reading) & Joseph Carrabis (Reading) – Writing to be Read

Tuesday – October 17 – M J Mallon (Reading) & Christa Planko (Interview & Guest Post)– Undawnted

Wednesday – October 18 – Chris Barili (Guest Post) & Paul Kane (Guest Post) – Patty’s Worlds

Thursday – October 19 – Julie Jones (Reading) & Keith Hoskins (Guest Post) – Robbie’s Inspiration

Friday – October 20 – Michaele Jordan (Reading) & Mario Acevedo (Guest Post) – Writing to be Read

Saturday – October 21 – Patty Fletcher (Guest Post) & DL Mullan (Guest Post & Video) – Roberta Writes

Sunday – October 22 – Sonia Pipkin (Guest Post) & Roberta Eaton Cheadle (Reading) – Kyrosmagica Publishing

Monday – October 23 – Closing Post –Denise Aparo (Reading) & other stories – Writing to be Read

Thanks to D L Mullan for this feature, 17th October with myself reading from my story the Cull, and an author interview with fellow contributor, Christa:

Joseph Carrabis is kindly sharing features on contributing authors in Midnight Roost Anthology. Here are the links to the features.

Joseph Carrabis’s story ‘The Beach,’ :-

Joseph Carrabis’s story ‘Binky’:-

Joseph Carrabis‘s story Blood Magic:-

Chris Barilli’s story ‘Shaken’:

Robert Kostanczuks story ‘A Visitant Comes to The Window’:-

Kaye Lynn Booth’s ‘Melina’:

Robbie Cheadle’s ‘The Behemoth’-

DL Mullan’s ‘Mangled’ :-

Christa’s ‘The Easterville Ghost’: –

Denise’s ‘The Pines’: –

M J’s ‘The Cull’:-

Sonia’s ‘Once Upon A Time.’ –

Michaela’s ‘Afterwards’ :-

Paul’s ‘The White Lady’:-

The whole series is under

New release!

Midnight Roost can be downloaded via most distributors through Books2Read: 

20 authors bring your nightmares to life in 23 stories of ghosts, paranormal phenomenon and the horror from the dark crevasses of their minds. Stories of stalkers, both human and supernatural, possession and occult rituals, alien visitations of the strange kind, and ghostly tales that will give you goosebumps. These are the tales that will make you fear the dark. Read them at the Midnight Roost… if you dare.

Kaye Lynne Booth, Chris Barili, Christa Planko, DL Mullan, C.R. Johansson, Joseph Carrabis, Keith J. Hoskins, Mario Acevedo, M.J. Mallon, Michaele Jordan, Patty L Fletcher, Paul Kane, Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Rebecca M. Senese, Zack Ellafy, Sonia Pipkin, Denise Aparo, Robert Kostanczuk, Isabel Grey & Julie Jones