Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge No: 86



The prompt words this week from Ronovan are Flash and Dance.

I’ve just started a part-time job in my girls’ old primary school, a bit of a change from my last job working in John Lewis over Christmas!  On Monday I was on supervisory duty in the playground mainly keeping an eye on the kids playing on the climbing frame. On my first day there were kids leaping on kids, a boy with two scrapped knees, a girl who got bark in her eye, and a group of year four girls who came and introduced themselves to me and told me all about the play they were in. They were telling me about their parts, how many lines they had or proudly boasting that their part was a baddie! How outrageous! All in all it was quite entertaining… So I said that my two children used to go to their primary school too and I asked them to guess my daughter’s ages. The first one said, ‘ twenty five! ‘ I said, ‘Do I look that old?’ Then of course the next girl said,’forty five,’ but after that the numbers started to come down, thank heavens! Cheeky devils !

It brought back a conversation I had with my youngest daughter recently. I asked her what she liked to do in the playground when she was at primary school, she said skipping, and playing games but she mainly just danced with her best friend! How very theatrical, and artistically inclined, she’s not changed a jot – she still loves to dance. Her friend likewise is still keen on performing, just recently I watched her acting, and singing with The Young Actor’s Company  in their sell out performance at Cambridge Junction.  Jack Drum’s Entertainment will be playing in Oxford on the 5th of March, and London on 7th March at Bloomsbury Theatre. To find out more about this play being performed by such a talented group of young actors, follow the link:

I can’t say that I saw anyone dance in the playground apart from a tiny hint of a dance when one of the year four girls did a little bit of dancing from the show, just before she got called to have her lunch. That was the moment I was waiting for…… but it was gone in a blink of the eye.

So this week’s haiku is inspired by my daughter’s love of dance:


Primary dancers

Playground extravaganza

A duo flashdance

Here’s the link to Ronovan’s blog so you can join in the haiku challenge:

It’s good to know that there are some theatrical types in the playground, but perhaps that’s enough melodrama for now!

Bye for now,

bitstrips melodrama

Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx




1st Halloween Poetry Contest from Writer’s Treasure Chest and more!!!


No, this isn’t an invitation to a Halloween party on my blog, not quite! Tee hee nearly fooled you didn’t I?

But it is a celebration of sorts, a Happy Halloween, and a bunch of stuff and nonsense that I’d like to share with you. So keep on reading – there are details about a couple of Halloween parties at the end of this post!!!

It’s also to let you know that I will be going on a blogging break in early November and to wish you a Happy Halloween.

Now here come’s the exciting part, I’ve got a secret to share with you.

I just love secrets don’t you?

I’m taking the plunge and entering the 1st Halloween-Poem Contest

on ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’.

My poem:

The Alternative All Hallows’ Eve Bash!


It’s all Hallow’s Eve time for the party to begin,

Witches, vampires, spooks and demons of the night,

Come and join in this annual spectacular delight,

Bring your entry ticket, a glut of gruesome grisliness.


No glowing Jack O’Lanterns are permitted here,

No pretty Halloween plump pumpkins,

Our team of half dead bouncers search for sweets,

Ejecting sickly sweet cheerfulness with ferocious frowns.


Vampires savour red goblets of the purist human blood,

Witches devour human brains a spicy savoury delicacy,

Ghostly ghouls can’t ingest or digest. Oh what a shame!


Instead the smell of rotten candles fills their one time bellies.

Demons sit together in a clique,

They consume a spirit that no one dares to seek,

Their poker hot glances burn into your soul,


No one dares to join them, its too Lucifer hot!

The party’s over way too soon there is clearing up to do,

The kindly ghosts are left to pick up,

They wail boo hoo,

A ghost’s ghoulish life is over before it has begun!


The demon’s faces’ crease in a smouldering, bittersweet, smirk,

The vampires lick their lips, breaking into a blood-curdling smile,

And the witches cackle with ripples of raucous relish,

While Beelzebub bouncers pick up the ghosts and shake ‘em for fun.


Next year’s party committee is set!

A year from now a Hallibaloo of a Halloween bash is on its way!

Don’t forget, don’t be late!

Creepy Cameras at the ready, Blood, Cold, Shiver, Fire, Flash!

© Marjorie Mallon 2015 – aka, Kyrosmagica. All Rights Reserved.

Here’s the details:

Every author and poet are invited to participate and deliver a “Halloween-Poem” to my email address:, together with their picture.

There are a few rules to follow:
1.Your poem needs a Halloween theme.
2.Your poem needs a minimum of 99 words.
3.Your poem has to be delivered to my email address until Halloween, October 31, 2015, 9 pm Eastern Time.
4.Please avoid violence, bad language, and sexual content within the poems. It would be disqualified.

More about the contest and how to enter here:

The Next Bloggers Bash is set for 11 June 2016 – I went to this year’s Bloggers Bash in August, so a bit of a poetic joke there! Not saying all of us bloggers are a bunch of witches, and devils, but ……. somehow the idea just grabbed me!!

Before I forget there are some Halloween parties going on today, a couple of bloggers are having a share your posts kind of parties today, lovely idea.

The lovely Suzie Speaks has written an excellent post about how to host a blog party:

and extended her invitation to you to join her in her Halloween Blog party:

Also there is an invitation to join in a Witch’s tea party at author Kirsten Weiss’s ParaYourNormal blog:

What fun, I think I’ll go as a …………. witch!! I have a very fetching red velvet witch’s hat.. and a red and black dress, or perhaps a black one, decisions, decisions……  plus some blood red lipstick perhaps?

Oh, and in case you missed my run down on all my Halloween activities, here’s the link to that.

There is something for everyone, photography, quotes, stories, haiku, poetry, book reviews, you name it:

Just recently I went to see Wicked at the Apollo Theatre in London, it was fantastic! I’d go as the Wicked Witch but I don’t have enough green face paint so best to keep things simple!!

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Hope you like my poem, do comment I’d love to hear your views.

Have a very Happy Halloween, from your friendly good witch Marje!


Marje @ Kyrosmagica xx