#SundayBlogShare Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC


The Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC has gone from strength to strength. I founded this Facebook group on 26th of February 2017 nearly six months ago, (goodness how time flies.)

This is the first post: https://kyrosmagica.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/authorsbloggers-rainbow-support-club/

Just recently I was astonished to discover that we have over 150 members!!!

We have an amazing team of bloggers who add content everyday and I’d just like to thank them for being so active on the page.

Here are some of the wonderful,  informative links that have been shared of late…

Some informative information via Belinda Miller https://belindamiller.me/I spend a lot of time on marketing my children’s books. One thing I do is produce videos. Since I have worked with some fabulous illustrators, I have blessed with an abundance of illustrations. Two of my favorite apps are: Animoto and Ripl. Check them out. There’s another app, Lumyer, that can be used to enhance, add elements to cover art. I use that, too. Hope this gives you some great ideas! PSA — very addictive.

Via fellow Administrator of the club, Colleen Chesebro  who suggested some design service alternatives which are similiar to Canva: https://crello.com/home/

Via fellow Administrator – Debby Gies – D G Kaye Writer

Via Richard Ankers – Articles and tips for writers – http://www.liternauts.com/articles-for-writers/

Also, I have linked our group to three other Facebook groups which I’d recommend joining too:

To give you an indication of the benefits of joining The Author Helper. Here is one example. Recently, I enquired about  international sales and setting up international author pages.  I had help from:

Ben Zackheim who suggested – Fiberead which translates and distributes internationally.   https://fiberead.com/auth/login

Debby Gies suggested this useful link: Setting up your international author pages by William Cook

Drue Hoffman said that –  France, Japan & Germany also have Author Central pages and put up a graphic which suggested that the UK and the UK are the biggies in the e-book market. 

Please support the following upcoming activities mentioned on #ABRSC if you can:

Charli Mills at her welcoming Carrot ranch are having a right all blogging knees up in October – Carrot Ranch New Barns Raised At The Ranch

Colleen Chesebro  is having an October Spectacular  with Author Guest Posts. This sounds such fun, I love halloween! So keep an eye out for that. Colleen shared this link too:  https://buildbookbuzz.com/quirky-october-holidays-offer-book-promotion-possibilities/

Some of my recent finds:




Recently, I had the good fortune to be a guest on the #LisaBurtonShow. My interview: Lisa Interviews My Character Esme

I was curious about the poster art that Craig used. Here’s a link to the fabulous artist on Deviant Art:  https://artbrosean.deviantart.com/art/Lisa-Walks-like-an-Egyptian-705536763

And I can’t remember whether I found this via rainbow or not but it might come in useful to someone…. if you want to enter at some point… https://www.tckpublishing.com/2017-readers-choice-awards/

Also there was a recent discussion kicked off by Colleen Chesebro about collaborations, which I am a big fan of.  This became an on-line brainstorming session!!! Many #ABRSC got involved in this particular topic and we hope to have a Xmas collaborative event with this in mind. So stay tuned!

Before I go I’d love to share this lovely human interest story from Ritu, which is bound to put a smile on your face: https://butismileanyway.com/2017/09/14/i-love-our-oldies/

There are so many lovely bloggers and authors who participate in #ABRSC. Sadly, I haven’t mentioned them all due to time constraints but please take this as a huge thank you to each and every one of you for helping make #ABRSC such a fun, engaging place to share ideas, and help each other.

If you’d like to join the #ABRSC please do. Comment below. Let me know if you have any questions about the club, add your links to posts of interest, chat, come say hello.

Bye for now,



My social media links:

Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook
Twitter: @curseof_time




Fellow Administrators of our Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club #ABRSC on Facebook, myself, my good friends Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies. Click on Colleen’s and Debby’s photos to be directed to their awesome blogs. These ladies rock!


Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club


“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
― Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter

Today, I’d like to introduce you to a few members of my Rainbow Support Club: Geoff Le PardLisa W. Tetting,  Galit Balli and Wendy Anne Darling.

Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club is a friendly group on Facebook for authors, bloggers and book reviewers. The club endeavours to create a wonderful community, a place to make friends, and to foster meaningful, helpful connections with like-minded people.

Geoff LePard:

Geoff blogs at TanGental: https://geofflepard.com/

He is a thoroughly decent chap, a friendly, amusing bloke whose blog I urge you to follow. He is also a top dog in the Annual Bloggers Bash in London – next event – Saturday 9th June 2018 – one of the current gang of four organisers – enough said. He’s a writer of wit, a keen flash fiction enthusiast, a course junkie, (Arvon, MA at Sheffield Hallam, etc,) dog enthusiast, walker, (that follows,) gardener, and has written four novels. One of which  – Dead Flies and Sherry Trifle – I have read and reviewed, with a title like that how could I not!

My Review of Dead Flies and Sherry Trifle by Geoff LePard

Lisa W Tetting:

Author, Blogger, Poet, Writer of #LoveRotica.

L. Loren is a former call center supervisor currently based in Greenville, SC with her loving and supportive husband.

Growing up the youngest of seven in a small town in North Carolina, she embraced her love of reading which helped to develop her imagination.

Her desire to write lay dormant for years until she found the courage to look within and her passion could no longer be ignored.






Galit Balli:

Next up on my introductions list is member Galit Balli who blogs at Coffee and Notes.

Galit is ‘a writer of Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, YA, Science Fiction as well as a blogger, book reviewer, a declared coffee addict, a gamer and an avid reader.

Apart from writing and reading, She loves to stay creative and sketch, doodle, play video games (mostly gw2), Watch Dr. Who and spend time with my Husband and her dog Menta (Mint).’

Definitely a blog recommendation. She is a lovely friendly lass, I have been following her for quite some time.


Wendy Anne Darling.

In Wendy’s words: ‘If it involved creativity, Wendy was into it.’ Wendy has a lovely blog – The Dragon’s Lair: https://wendyannedarling.wordpress.com/

She blogs about topics dear to my heart: writing, dragons, magic & myths.

To find out more about her own book design business: https://wendyannedarling.wordpress.com/bookxeedo-book-covers/

Wendy will be designing my book cover! I’m so excited to see the final version. Can’t wait.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club, please do get in touch via my social media links below, or by leaving a comment.

The club is growing, we now have 107 members and are looking forward to welcoming more.

Fellow Administrators of the club are my good friends : Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies.  Do pop over to their blogs to say hello and to find out more about the club from their perspective.

Bye for now,




Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club

Twitter: @marjorie_mallon and @curseof_time






Three Year Anniversary!!!


Yes, its official my baby Kyrosmagica turned three this week! Where did those years go? Now that I’m past the infancy stage I’m puzzled. I have no idea where that time went. I can’t really say… but what I can say is this, I have enjoyed these years mightily and have grown so much as a person. Forget Popeye’s spinach, blogging has been amazing for my confidence. I’d recommend it to everyone!

In fact, one of my recent posts has been featured in SCBWI’s online magazine – self publishing discussion with authors Debra Edwards and Camilla Chester: Words and Pictures.

Recently, I set up a new initiative on Facebook – my Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club.  I have a new baby! It’s doing well and I can see it growing which is lovely.

What is is about?

Don’t worry it is not a cult! LOL… It is a friendly community of authors/bloggers/book reviewers working together to support each other in a multitude of ways – e.g. by writing or sharing reviews, highlighting author spotlights/book launches/interviews, and posting writing/poetry/blogging tips, or tips about writing reviews, or discussing general topics of interest.


Also, I hope that it will be a place that you can ask for help and advice if you need it. Writing can be isolating so feel free to find some writing chums here. Just join in as and when you can. Any content about books is really welcome whether it is pretty pictures of books you’ve read, or libraries you’ve visited, etc. Also occasionally do feel free to post news to tell your blogging friends what you are up to. Especially, if you’ve just published a book, won a prize, been nominated for an award, or you’ve been somewhere creative, interesting, or exciting! For instance, I posted my British Museum photos which I had uploaded using Ripl, which I thought might be of interest to fellow Instagram enthusiasts.


Thank you to all the contributors and to my fabulous Administrators: Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies.

I’d like to share the following links that have recently appeared on the club page:

A writer’s dilemma – when to use which or that? A post by Adirondack Editing via

A get fit and healthy campaign that bloggers can join – Sally Cronin: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2017/04/21/lets-walk-a-marathon-the-internal-fitness-programme-coming-next-week/

Colleen Chesebro’s review of author Seumas Gallacher’s Savage Pay Back, which gets five stars but apparently isn’t for the faint-hearted! More about that here: https://colleenchesebro.com/2017/04/21/colleens-book-reviews-savage-payback-book-3-in-the-jack-calder-crime-series-by-author-seumas-gallacher/

Debby Gies interview with Sally Cronin: https://dgkayewriter.com/who-has-a-new-book-guest-author-sally-cronin-whats-in-a-name/

Norah Colvin shared Ten Things About Poetry and Me – J R Poulter and J R McRae: https://gumbootspearlz.org/2017/04/21/ten-things-about-poetry-and-me-j-r-poulterj-r-mcrae/

Debby Gies shared J. E. Spina’s Summer Reading For Kids of All ages https://jemsbooks.wordpress.com/2017/04/19/summer-reading-for-kids-of-all-ages/

Norah Colvin shared readilearn’s author/illustrator interview with Chrissy Byers. http://www.readilearn.com.au/meet-author-illustrator-chrissy-byers/

Marsha contributed a post about how to share Guest Reviews to her blog http://marshajustwrites.com/a-book-reviews/

Debby shared Sally Cronin’s interview with debut author Paige Adams: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2017/04/20/sallys-cafe-and-bookstore-new-on-the-shelves-tales-of-ejoma-dual-realms-book-one-by-paige-addams/

And Sally’s airing of reviews of authors John W Howell and Marcia Meara: https://smorgasbordinvitation.wordpress.com/2017/04/20/smorgasbord-book-promotion-air-your-reviews-john-w-howell-and-marcia-meara/

If you are interested in joining the club do pop over to the Facebook pages.

Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club – General/Enquiries Page

Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club – Member Page

You are welcome to leave a comment on the Facebook general enquiries page above, or here, or email me: marjma2014@gmail.com to find out more.

So that’s it for now, I have to read through my manuscript. I’m on the final push, this baby is past the toddler stage – she has to stop her tantrums!

Before I go I’d like to invite you to celebrate with me. I’ve got a little question which you might like to answer below… How long have you been blogging, and what has it done for you? Please feel free to leave your answer and one link that you’d like to highlight in the comments below. Many thanks. 


Bye for now,

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Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter.

I’m still on a bit of a blogging break until my eldest daughter returns to University so will be somewhat scarce in blogging land.

I had a wonderful holiday up in Edinburgh but it was all too short…

Here are some of my photos:

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That’s one of me and my daughter Georgina before I had my lunch…. I tend to shrink when I’m hungry! We were at a very nice restaurant called The Railbridge Bistro in South Queensferry which overlooks the bridges and has haggis on the menu!

And here’s my lovely mum and dad… Missing them…

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My dad hates the cold, and though the view at South Queensferry is amazing it was bitterly chilly… My mum looks okay, in fact she dares to look a bit amused but poor dad…

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Since I’ve been back in Cambridge, I’ve had a lovely time with my eldest daughter who is visiting from University.

Recently we went out to a cafe in Cambridge…

And she approved of my photo…  The drink looks like some sort of Dr Who concoction but I believe it is a green tea matcha. Oh, by the way did you see the Dr Who episode last night? If you did I bet you didn’t dare have a shower or bath before bedtime. I love it when Dr Who gets all scary!

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Then, there’s me all dressed up as I had work afterwards. Recently, I started working part-time at Ann Summers – which is a strangest job I have ever had! It’s a bit like marmite some days I love it, some days I hate it! Ha ha…. It’s a tricky one for an introvert with extrovert tendencies. Anyway, that plate in front of me is the remains of a very tasty Orange and Polenta cake that we shared at Espresso Library cafe in Cambridge.

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Before I go let me say a big thank you to all the contributors to my Facebook Rainbow Support Club in my absence.

Here are just some of the wonderful links that have appeared:









All the contributors have done a fabulous job of making the page a fantastic resource of information, help, and collaboration for fellow writers/bloggers.

Do pop over to the club page and take a look, and come give the club some love: Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club.

If you’d like to join the club please do message myself either in the comment below or contact me on my email marjma2014@gmail.com, or chat about it with Colleen Chesebro or Debby Gies, my two fabulous blogging buddies who administer the running of the club with me.

All the best for a lovely Easter.

Do pop over to my Instagram page to see the rest of my photos: My Instagram




Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club – News and New Members



Fabulous News!!! Colleen Chesebro and Debby Gies have joined me as marvellous group Administrators of the Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club.

I’m so thrilled to have Colleen and Debby helping me.

I’ve had some questions regarding the Facebook club, so to answer these I’ve decided to write a sort of statement of club intention….

What is the Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club?

Don’t worry folks, it is not a cult! LOL…

It’s a friendly community of authors/bloggers/book reviewers working together to support each other in a multitude of ways – e.g. by writing or sharing reviews, highlighting author spotlights/book launches/interviews, and posting writing/poetry/blogging tips, or tips about writing reviews, or discussing general topics of interest.


Also I hope that it will be a place that you can ask for help and advice if you need it. Writing can be isolating so feel free to find some writing chums here. Just join in, as and when you can, or would like to. Any content about books is really welcome whether it is pretty pictures of books you’ve read, or libraries you’ve visited, etc. Also occasionally do feel free to post news to tell your blogging friends what you are up to. Especially, if you’ve just published a book, won a prize, been nominated for a award, or you’ve been somewhere creative, interesting, or exciting! Recently, I posted my British Museum photos which I had uploaded using Ripl, which I thought might be of interest to fellow Instagram enthusiasts.


Members can add your own blog posts to the members page, (email me, or Colleen, or comment below, if you want to become a member: marjma2014@gmail.com, or colleenchesebro3@gmail.com) and do feel free to share, like and comment on your friends posts too.

Who runs the group?

Currently little old me, and Colleen Chesebro, and Debby Gies.

Also we have quite a few new members!! Yippee….

First up, is….

Lizzie Chantree

Lizzie is pretty much woman extraordinaire as far as I can see. I’ve just had the delight of welcoming Lizzie recently for an Author’s Spotlight on my blog: Author’s Spotlight: Lizzie Chantree


Lizzie is an enthusiastic inventor, businesswoman and artist. She founded her first company at the age of 17 and has been creating products and driving her family mad ever since.

Lizzie appeared on Sky News, ITV Lunchtime News, This Morning, The Big Breakfast, BBC’s Worldwide Radio Service, amongst others for becoming one of Fair Play London’s Female Innovators for her invention, Runaway Spray. Runaway Spray is a ‘ladder’ stop spray for stockings and tights, which has been on sale for over fifteen years. She has also developed a range of greetings cards and puzzle books for children with phonics and short stories inside to encourage independent writing skills in children.

Lizzie lives in Essex, with her gorgeous husband, two bouncy children and a very unusual dog. In between the school run and baking cakes (or burning them!), she sits in her rooftop studio daydreaming about gaps in the market and how she can fill them. Babe Driven is her first novel and she has written two other novels, Love’s Child and Finding Gina. Lizzie is currently writing her forth novel.
Twitter: @Lizzie_Chantree
Facebook: Facebook.com/LizzieChantree
Email: liz@chantree.com
Blog: LizzieChantree.com

Debbie Harris

Debbie’s blog is a visual delight, as soon as you step in you feel as if you are immersed in a land of wonder. Just like Lizzie, she sounds like a wonder woman:

I am Debbie – I am a wife; mother; daughter; sister; friend; blogger; reader; runner; walker; cyclist; Rail Trail enthusiast; traveller; Rotarian; Whovian; teacher.

And now I’m a retiree!!  Very early retirement!

I’ve been called a humming bird on speed and WonderWomanDebs. There are stories there believe me!!

Debbie has a page on her blog where she lists all the books she’s read and she’s broken them down into years under the main menu.


Debbie loves reading, travel, family, photographing, running, cycling and blogging at debs-world.com.

She tries her hand at most things, poetry, flash fiction, even a children’s story: https://debs-world.com/2016/06/05/big-debbies-purple-boots/

Debbie participates in a book club but doesn’t always like the books she is given but she reads them anyway and learns a lot from the discussion. I couldn’t agree more – broadening your reading is such a fabulous adventure!

Debbie’s twitter: @wonderwomandebz

Goodreads: Debbie Harris

Marsha Ingrao

Marsha is a retired school teacher who loves to blog about books, travel, photography, blogging and writing tips.

I blog on two sites. The first one I started as an experiment 5 years ago after I retired from education. This is my travel, community activities and photo challenge blog primarily. https://tchistorygal.net/

My other blog is where I use my experience as a teacher, writers, and administrator to help new and hobby bloggers, writers and photographers with tips and longer articles. Both blogs started out as an experiment, and have blossomed from there. This one is my experiment in monetizing as well as helping people from my mistakes as I branch out! http://marshajustwrites.com/

Hi, my name is Marsha Ingrao and I created Always Write for us. You and me! Together learning.

If you know everything there is to know about blogging, writing, and photography, you will hate this blog! If you want to share what you know and learn from others, come on in.

Grab a cuppa coffee and sit down and visit. Blogging is my hobby, my experiment, my life changer. Welcome! Maybe, like me, blogging is your hobby. Or maybe you write books or are an amateur photographer. Join the party.’

I was very impressed recently upon discovering this excellent article written by Marsha about writing professional book reviews: Always Writes – Marsha’s advice on writing top book reviews

Marsha’s twitter : @MarshaIngrao

Adele Marie Clerk

Adele is  a ‘writer of horror/fantasy/urban/wordbuilding all those nice things which mean I get to use my imagination.’ Adele has just been nominated as a contestant in The Next Great Horror Writer Contest. Her bio on her blog reads, “Horror invaded my life and I devoured everything it threw at me. Stephen King, Ramsay Campbell, Anne Rice and Clive Barker. Horror holds my hand tightly. I can’t escape and I don’t want to. I write to scare. The monster under the bed is my reality. Welcome to my world.”

On her blog’s about me page she describes herself thus:

I’m Adele Marie Park a writer. Simple.....what? I`ve got my muse in my ear telling me I have to write more than just that. Okay….sighs.

Im originally from Rousay. An island in the Orkney which is rich in folklore and legends. I learned these legends and folklore from the cradle lol. I write about folklore but with a modern or faerie themed twist. I am also passionate about horror. I love vampires and grew up with the Hammer Horror version before cutting my teeth…pardon the pun…on Buffy and Angel.

So…I write urban fantasy, folklore fantasy urban or otherwise, horror and apocalyptic fiction. I like to write character-driven fiction and I hope that somewhere someone reading my work will gain an insight into themselves from it. That is not meant to sound all egotistical, I gained many insights into myself through reading others work and still do.

I am happily married. We live in a very happy house, a mad house but a happy one.

Adele Marie Park’s blog

Adele’s Twitter: @Binky567

Sacha Black

Sacha’s blog is a delight – full of writing tips,  art, and her weekly wonders. Sacha is the founder of the Bloggers Bash, a fabulous annual event held in London: Sacha Black’s blog, which I have had the pleasure of attending twice since its inception in August 2015.

These two short paragraphs sum up Sacha’s love of writing in the most wonderful way: Sacha was always meant to write, she was the girl who spent her lunch break tucked away in the corner of the school library, head buried in a pile of books, pencil in hand, weaving stories on the page. But she grew up, stumbled and fell forgetting her dream and then spent a while lost in a dark and twisted place.

Then, one day she sat in front of her laptop and started to write. She remembered that all she’d ever wanted to do was write stories in far away places filled with curious creatures and magical happenings. Characters started to talk to her, fill her brain with incessant chatter and demanded their stories be told. And so, The Netherworld was created, and Eden’s story began.

Sacha is currently in the process of editing two novels: Keepers, the first book in a planned trilogy, and Adultland. More about that here: Sacha Black – Novels

Sacha also has a non-fiction book entitled 13 Steps to Evil, ‘the ultimate guide to crafting Villains,’ which will be released in 2017.


Sacha’s twitter: @sacha_black

Lorinda J. Taylor

Lorinda’s (also known as TermiteWriter in cyberspace) is a retired librarian who worked in academic libraries as a cataloger and now lives in Colorado Springs, CO.  Besides an M.L.S, she has a B.A. and an M.A. in English, and some work toward a Ph.D.  As a child, she was always making up imaginary worlds, but she didn’t start writing fantasy until she read “Lord of the Rings” in 1969 and discovered that even serious scholars like J.R.R. Tolkien can continue to create such worlds far into their adult lives. In the early days she attempted unsuccessfully to get published, and then family considerations forced her to take a hiatus from writing from 1983 until 2000. Since then, she has self-published twelve books, mostly science fiction or a science fiction/fantasy hybrid, all with a literary slant.  Her books deal with future history, psychological subjects (one of the most interesting alien environments is the human mind), and first contacts, including the adventures of a species of giant intelligent termites who relive Earth myths.  She has a special interest in constructing languages for her extraterrestrials to speak.  She has published the first part of The Man Who Found Birds among the Stars, a fictional biography of the spaceship Captain who first made contact with extraterrestrials in the 28th century, and she is continuing to work on additional volumes (it’s epic length!)

All her books may be found at:

Amazon http://amzn.to/u9bYWa

Amazon UK http://amzn.to/KdNtR1

Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/TermiteWriter

Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/1Lz1NRQ

She has two blogs, mostly inactive these days.

www.termitewriter.blogspot.com (Rumination of a Remembrancer, covering general topics and material on The Termite Queen and The Man Who Found Birds among the Stars, plus information on my Mythmaker syster)

www.termitespeaker.blogspot.com (The Labors of Ki’shto’ba Huge-Head, covering that series plus information on myth in literature)

Her twitter handle is @TermiteWriter

Teagan Genevieve


I’m Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene and I write fantasy fiction.  This blog is mostly limited to writing and related topics.  It began as part of my “grand experiment” in indie publishing.
By day I’m a career professional, a technical editor and writer in the information technology (IT) field.  That’s my “real” job.  Of course I’d love to be able to put a roof over my head just blogging and writing novels!
Although I was born in the southeast (USA), I call the desert southwest home.  I left those enchanting lands for a major east coast city.  Now my goal, wish, and desperate dream is to move to either the southwest, or a small city with a milder climate.
Here’s a link to all the information about my books:  About Teagan’s Books  It includes my debut novel, an urban fantasy called Atonement, Tennessee. (https://www.amazon.com/Atonement-Tennessee-Teagan-Geneviene-ebook/dp/B00HGSVA8A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490288789&sr=8-1&keywords=Atonement%2C+Tennessee )
At my blog, Teagan’s Books (https://teagansbooks.com/ ) I do a variety of things.  You’ll see posts on writing process, snippets from my novels, and short stories that are usually taken from the “universes” of one of my books.
It was originally a “pantser” serial, driven by random “things” sent by readers of my blog. It was absolutely spontaneously written.  
I went on to do four more serials in that manner.  Some time this spring I will publish the second serial, Murder at the Bijou, Three Ingredients-I.  That one is a culinary mystery!  Here’s a blog post where I introduce the characters:


Well that’s it for this members post…….. I’m too shattered to do anymore as I have a bit of a cold this week….


I will be featuring the next bunch of members next time: Geoff LePard, Galit Balli,  Wendy Anne Darling, Daniel Rumanos, , Annette Rochelle AbenLaurie Peterson Oien and Cynthia T. LunaShehanne Moore.

Our group page is growing: Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club


So do come and join the club!

Bye for now,




Author Spotlight: Lizzie Chantree

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A warm welcome to Lizzie Chantree, it is such a pleasure to invite you on my blog today.
Lizzie is a new friend who I discovered recently, and a member of my: Author/Blogger Rainbow Support Club. Her author biography below will totally inspire and enthral you with the multitude of her wonderful and diverse talents.  This lady writes, invents, produces cards, and puzzle books is a businesswoman and artist, has two children, a hubby, and an unusual sounding dog. Wow, when does Lizzie ever get time to sleep?
Oh, and by the way, she has invented a ladder stop… what might that be? No, it’s not something DIY based, no rigid device to secure ladders to climb up and fix loose masonry.
It’s the other kind of ladder, the invention to stop those pesky ladders that we always get in our tights. I like that, a word with two meanings…. Being a writer, I can see the humour in that. That sounds beyond useful, how come I never heard of an inventor like that? My youngest daughter is always getting ladders in her tights!


Author Bio:

Lizzie is an enthusiastic inventor, businesswoman and artist. She founded her first company at the age of 17 and has been creating products and driving her family mad ever since.

Lizzie appeared on Sky News, ITV Lunchtime News, This Morning, The Big Breakfast, BBC’s Worldwide Radio Service, amongst others for becoming one of Fair Play London’s Female Innovators for her invention, Runaway Spray. Runaway Spray is a ‘ladder’ stop spray for stockings and tights, which has been on sale for over fifteen years. She has also developed a range of greetings cards and puzzle books for children with phonics and short stories inside to encourage independent writing skills in children.

Lizzie lives in Essex, with her gorgeous husband, two bouncy children and a very unusual dog. In between the school run and baking cakes (or burning them!), she sits in her rooftop studio daydreaming about gaps in the market and how she can fill them. Babe Driven is her first novel and she has written two other novels, Love’s Child and Finding Gina. Lizzie is currently writing her forth novel.

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Finding Gina book synopsis:

A contemporary romance read with a magical twist! By Lizzie Chantree.

Can a sprinkling of stardust overcome a past full of demons?

Gina had traversed the breadth of the country in her little campervan to try and find everyone on her grandmother’s list, before her father drunk himself into an early grave. She leant down and pulled the battered and worn journal from her bag and opened it to the latest page. The neatly written names were etched onto her heart and she was determined to visit every single one and compensate them in some way. Her family’s debt had to be repaid.

Lewis read another provincial story about a ‘guardian angel’ who had been helping families across the country and his reporters nose began to itch. He was sure that if he could track down the girl they were talking about, he would unearth an even bigger story. He just had to work out how to locate her and then find out what it was that she was running from!

Reviews for Finding Gina:
Reader review: 
This is the third book I have read by Lizzie Chantree and again I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality and depth of her writing..
I love a good edgy romantic ‘Chick lit’ Novel and this very much reached my expectations..
The characters are portrayed in such a way that you can really envisage how they look and the environments they live in; to the point that I’d love to stay with Gina in her VW van – v envious.
The story had remained with me; which isn’t always the case with Novels of this genre.
Really worth a read – Lizzie Chantree can really compete with her contemparies (I’m a long devotee to Lisa Jewell and Freya North). I look forward to her next offering.
Reader review: 
A really great romance read. This book has humour and romance and kept me guessing the whole way through. Lizzie Chantree is fast becoming my new favourite author!
The main character Gina is running from her past, but discovers her future along the way. The other characters are just as interesting and I especially loved reading about Tom, the gorgeous baker who works at the tearoom and Lewis the intrepid reporter. The tearoom’s owner, Rachel is quite mean, but even she grew on me as the story progressed. She is quite a character! This would make a great holiday read and once I picked it up, I couldn’t put the book down until I had read the last page.
Contact info:
Book links: 

Well that was lovely wasn’t it? I do love having guests on Kyrosmagica. They add a certain magical sparkle to my day.

Don’t forget to let me know if you would like to feature on my next Author/Blogger Spotlight. Or perhaps you might like to join my Author/Blogger Rainbow Support Club? Don’t be shy do get in touch by leaving a comment below, or emailing me: marjma2014@gmail.com.

Bye for now,



Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club


Welcome, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the latest members of my Author/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club.

The Rainbow Support Club endeavours to provide a friendly and welcoming community of like-minded bloggers, book reviewers and authors who support each other in every which way we can to promote and nurture our love of books, and writing.

First up to Team Awesome is Colleen Chesebro. Colleen is a totally supportive angel, and I’d like to nominate her as person extraordinaire of the club! I can vouch for Colleen’s  worthiness, and angelic qualities as she is currently helping me with my manuscript – The Curse of Time – and doing an amazing job. 🙂 Author, Colleen Chesebro has recently released her first book: The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy, which I had the delight of reading and reviewing recently:  My 5 * Review of The Heartstone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy by Colleen Chesebro. She has an awesome blog which I strongly advise you to follow:  https://colleenchesebro.com/. Colleen and I have become great friends and have discovered that we have a  wealth of shared interests.  I enjoy joining in with her weekly Tanka Challenge so much:  https://colleenchesebro.com/category/tanka-tuesday/.

Colleen is happy to help other authors by sharing their writing, editing, etc, and also will support them with posts about new book releases. In other words, if these lovely peeps write about writing, she will gladly take guest posts from them.  Colleen strongly believes that writing about your own experiences helps other authors learn.

Colleen is an experienced book reviewer, but due to her huge TBR pile she is unable to take on any further reviews at present but her reviews to date are accessible via this link: Colleen Chesebro Reviews. Colleen shares lots of interesting and informative material under the heading: Authors Supporting Authors, and also has a second blog: A Mindful Journey which is full of tips about weight loss, and balance in life so do investigate to find out more.

Karen Oberlaender is my next member, Karen is a dedicated reader and book blogger who blogs at: My Train of Thoughts On. Karen writes about her favourite quotes, the word of the day, ten statements from authors and has a section where you can add your book review blog to her website: Add Your Blog – Book Reviewers

Her personal motto is:

Smile! Don’t look back in anger.

Great motto!

Her first book –   ‘In a Small Compass, Vol. 1’ comprises 15 contemporary short fiction stories with paranormal streaks which take you on a journey to Boston, Dublin, Dundrum, Galway, Heidelberg, London, Munich, Nuremberg, Skerries, and other places.

In a Small Compass, Vol. 1 is currently available on Smashwords:

In a Small Compass – Vol. 1, an Ebook by Karen Oberlaender https://inasmallcompass.wordpress.com/

Yecheilyah Ysrayl is the author of Young Adult, African-American Literature and Poetry. The author of nine books, most notably The Stella Trilogy, Yecheilyah is also a Blogger and Book Reviewer and offers free Author Services through her blog:  The PBS Blog Author Services. Yecheilyah is currently working on her next book series, “The Nora White Story. Yecheilyah Ysrayl blogs at PBS – Pearls Before Swine: The PBS Blog: To Support An Author.  She reviews books on her blog, and adds these books to the Indie Author Page of her blog, and promotes author’s books through her email list. All for free. The PBS Blog: Free Author Services.

Author Allan Hudson supports many of his author friends on his blog by hosting guest author opportunities at his blog South Branch Scribbler.  Allan has written: Dark Side of A PromiseShorts: Volume 1 – four tantalising stories, and Shorts: Volume 2 – five tantalising tales, and Shorts:  Volume 3 – Five tantalising tales. He  believes as I do that ‘We are all in this together,’ and he ‘enjoys helping other writers find a new audience.’ Allan blogs at: www.southbranchscribbler.ca.

Vashti Q blogs at The Writer Next Door. Vashti is very friendly and oh so chatty and I always get the feeling that she really is the girl next door!  Vashti takes part in many of my favourite link ups and shares my love of haiku. She enjoys doing author interviews, book/author spotlights, cover reveals and feature book releases. Her novel The Basement (Suspense/Thriller,) is aimed at the pre-teen/teen audience. To discover more about her writing follow the link: About The Basement.

Norah Colvin believes passionately about education and I do too! She does a once-a-month picture book author or illustrator spotlight on her readilearn blog http://www.readilearn.com.au/blog/  which is then reblogged on to her blog: http://www.NorahColvin.com 🙂

Read more about her wonderful resources via this link:http://readilearn.com.au

Mathematics is all around us. We use it every day for a wide range of purposes; from deciding on the sequence…

Annika Perry and I have been supporting each other for a good long while and have become blogging friends. She has a lovely, friendly blog which I urge you to follow.  Her ‘interests include books,’ and ‘she is an avid reader with a book or two constantly on the go.’ In her words:  ‘Life without books would seem unbearable.’ I couldn’t agree more!!

Annika’s love of books is evident in the depth of thought that goes into her excellent book reviews, so do pop over to her blog to find out more:

Annika Perry Book Reviews

Annika Perry – All About Books

Author Elise E. Rawls Author of Bleeding Heart – A collection of faith-based short stories/poems/riddles by the author about life’s journey, wonder and trial. Every writing is a little story taking you somewhere. Elise is also in the final proofreading stage with regards to her  Science Fiction & Fantasy / Speculative Fiction entitled Strayborn, Book #1 (V. Chronicles.) and has written an amusing personal account: Revising A Manuscript is Like Cleaning A Castle.  Elise has been known to  promote authors by doing author interviews on her blog. She offers this opportunity to (fantasy and sci-fi genres, and books that are clean reads). Follow the link to find out more: Author Interviews. Also, she hosts guest posts about fantasy, sci-fi, and writing topics, Guest Posts,  Book Reveals,  and Musing Reviews.

Phew… quite a few folks have now signed up for the club!!! In fact, I had to make sure that  I didn’t forget anyone… I hope I didn’t – if I did I apologise profusely.  It’s because my old brain cells don’t work as well as they used to, so if I have missed anyone out please don’t hesitate to give me a good old nudge!

In total, we now have 21  awesome members, including me!  LOL !!

The first group comprises these lovelies:  Shelley Wilson, Debby Gies, Sally Cronin, Jennifer Marston, Seumas Gallacher, Carol Hedges, Tina Frisco, Anita Dawes, and Jaye Marie, Heena Rathore Pardeshi, Loretta Milan, and Eloise De Sousa who you can meet here:  Group 1: Rainbow Support Club Team Members.

We are now on Facebook for members and non members:Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club

The group page for members only : Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club Members Group Page

Kyrosmagica blog continues to support authors in whatever way I can by writing reviews, author/blogger spotlights and interviews, so please don’t be shy, do get in touch if you’d like to be featured on Kyrosmagica.  

If you’d like to join the group and feature on my next listing please do get in touch by leaving a message here or emailing me at marjma2014@gmail.com.


Bye for now,


Authors/Bloggers Rainbow Support Club


Welcome to my new book love group for authors and dedicated book bloggers who wish to support authors by writing reviews, or featuring authors on their blogs. Initially, I intended to write one long list and then I thought better of it. Small and personal works better – featuring a few bloggers/writers and then following it up with further lists on a fairly regular basis.

If you’d like to join in the next list please get in touch via my email: marjma2014@gmail.com, or leaving a comment at the end of the post. Thanks.

Of course Kyrosmagica blog continues to support authors in whatever way I can by writing reviews, author/blogger spotlights and interviews, so please don’t be shy, do get in touch if you’d like to be featured on Kyrosmagica.  

Here’s my first list:

Shelley Wilson: First up Shelley went all hunger games on me, dashing to the front of the queue to feature on my post!   So, many thanks to Shelley for kicking this off with a flourish! Author/Reviewer Blog is http://www.shelleywilsonauthor.com. She is pretty clear in her interests: ‘I write, I read, I review,’ she prefers YA fantasy, but also reads some historical fiction, non-fiction, horror, dystopian, sci-fi, and will take a look at book blurbs for most genres to see if she’d be interested but she doesn’t do romantic fiction.

Elouise De Sousa:  ‘Books, Poems, Stories…and a cup of coffee, or two!’ She has a Book Tuesday feature reviewing books from fellow authors and books she’s read. She covers most genres, depending on what has been sent to her. Her site is http://eloisedesousa.wordpress.com

Debby Gies: A Canadian author who I have had the pleasure of following for some time. She is  a very friendly and supportive lady who runs a series on authors with new books https://dgkayewriter.com/guest-authors-at-d-g-kayes-blog/ and also does her Sunday reviews on books she’s read and reviewed. Because of time constraints, she is unable to have an open invitation, rather she promotes authors she knows and invites them as her schedule permits.

Loretta Milan: Literary Lightbox supports authors from all backgrounds and most genres. ‘Literary Lightbox, founded by Loretta Milan, publishes inspiring articles featuring New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling authors as well as emerging and indie authors.’

It’s our special space of the Internet where we writers can inspire each other, lend support and encouragement.

: http://www.literarylightbox.com/submissions/

Sally G. Cronin: ‘Blog with a view – on books, music, humour and health.’ Sally is a massive supporter of authors hosting so many on her blog that at times it makes me dizzy just seeing what she is up to. At the moment Sally is on a well deserved holiday! Sally also writes excellent and informative articles about nutrition and health, has published several books and has an on-line bookstore: Sallys Cafe and Bookstore and offers free author and blogger promotion: Sally’s Author and Blogger Promotion 2017

Jenny Marston:  Blogs at www.jennyinneverland.com and enjoys reading Thriller, Mystery, Crime, YA, and Fiction. She is a busy lady with diverse interests: blogging about anxiety, books, blogging tips and advice, days out, lifestyle, travel, Disney, etc, and has a monthly meet my sponsor slot, which I had the pleasure of being part of. As well as this she manages a ‘privately run online book touring service for authors.’ In which she covers, ‘Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Chick-Lit, Young Adult and many sub-genres of those and offer a range of different length tours and services for you to choose from to get the best possible publicity for your book.’  Neverland Blog Tours

Heena Rathore Pardeshi:  Has a book review blog but has stopped reviewing for another 6-7 months. No doubt as she’s snowed under with her debut mystery and thriller novel, Deceived which she will be releasing soon – www.thereadingbud.com. But do keep an eye out for Heena and support her book release. She reviews all fiction genre except erotica. She doesn’t do non-fiction.

Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie: Like to review books and invite guest posts on their website. But be prepared sister writing team Anita & Jay are: ‘two determined authors, bulletproof and dangerous…’ Eek, that sounds scary… dare if you will!  Anita Dawes and Jaye Marie

Contributors Who Prefer to Host Guest Blogs

Seumas Gallacher: Fellow Scot doesn’t actively do ‘cold’ reviews other than books he’s downloaded on his Kindle, but he does have an open blog policy on Guest Blogs from anyone, but particularly from fellow writers who can include anything they wish, except gratuitously offensive material… book buying links, bio, cover pages, any wee back story or element to their writing… the page for promo is theirs… all at their choice… cheeeeeeers ..https://seumasgallacher.com/ 🙂

Carol Hedges: Is more than happy to showcase other writers and let them loose on her Pink Sofa. ‘I write, I sleep, I try to resist cake.’ Yes, her pink sofa is very edible, pink and sugary! https://carolhedges.blogspot.co.uk/…/ten-ways-im-just… Recently I came across a very interesting article on her blog: Carol Hedges Blogspot – The Importance of Publicity

Tina Frisco: Happy to feature authors/artists/photographers/ musicians/etc. as time permits.  ❤ https://tinafrisco.com/  ‘Nature is my go-to tonic.  Aside from music and animals, I love dancing and getting lost in working crossword puzzles.’ She blogs under the categories: inspiration, spiritual, guests, quotes, books, chronic illness and self-acceptance.

Thanks for dropping by. Don’t forget if you would like join my next list do get in touch by leaving a comment below or contacting me via my email: marjma2014@gmail.com

Bye for now,


