365 Day Poetry Challenge #Mallorca #Travel #Poetry #Challenges #livinginthemoment

I’m participating in The 365 day poetry challenge on Facebook. This is organised by Melissa at The Poetry of Me MD: https://www.facebook.com/thepoetryofmemd

We are currently on Day 12 so apologies for not mentioning this earlier but I have been on holiday!

This has been a fun activity to do, and less daunting than doing Nanowrimo which I was considering. I should really be doing Nano to finish my novel but poetry won!

I’ve kept up each day writing 12 poems to date.

I wrote a few poems during my recent trip away to Majorca, (an early birthday treat!)

Here is one inspired by that trip…

Living In The Moment 

Living in the moment the cock crows announcing a new day.

Today Majorca, tomorrow Portugal.

We live this life of travels, new experiences, admiring each spectacular sunset.

Music strums the tunes of new adventures.

Wine tasting in a Mallorcan Bodega?

Talking to friends trying new foods,

Olives, local cheeses, nuts and dried fruit,

We remember bbq fish at Fuseta in Rui’s,

The sea sparkles sublime with crystal blue waters.

In Parc National de Sandragó  the ocean’s beauty is protected by cleansing algae.

In deeper waters near our hotel the evening sea is deep, black and sleek as ink.

High winds bring stormy seas and high winds,

Whilst in Palma, a man exercises near the rocks!

We laugh as sprays of water soak us.

Remembering similiar days in Cascais,

Sunshine smiles, storms, and rain bring laughter,

The cockerells and hens roam free

beside the families of feral cats

Listening to the beat of our soul

We discover new ways to live.

©️2023 M J Mallon

The Day 1 prompt was to compose an ocean related poem.

And given that I was in Majorca and saw a yacht named Ron Punch I inevitably thought of my dad, Ron. Who loves the sea, loves boats and wouldn’t say no to the odd tipple or two in his time. Now 94 he is less able sadly to go adventuring as he used to.

Ron, a drinker, was,

His yacht, Ron Punch, now lays docked

Oceans long since tamed,

Tales all told, he ponders, life,

Storms long forgotten.

He misses old times,

Such rare days his young self had,

Sighs, saluting waves.

©️2023 M J Mallon

Here are some photos from Parc National de Mondragó, as you can see it is an unspoilt, beautiful spot!

If you would like to read more of my poetry please follow my author FB page: https://www.facebook.com/mjmallonauthor

Bye for now,


Portugal travels, Vila Nova de Castelo, Almancil, Altura and Vale De Lobo #poetry #haiku #travel #portugal

I took these photos last autumn while I was travelling in Portugal. So, with colour poetry, taste the rainbow as the theme for Colleen Chesebro’s Tanka Tuesday, it seemed the perfect opportunity to share these now, along with some haiku.

muted life’s colours

tranquil portuguese autumn

bringing me much joy

blue sky and blue sea

green leaves but autumnal earth

orange underfoot

golfer’s paradise

val do lobo is so green

autumn algarve day

my favourite spot

empty of souls only shells

autumn on the beach

I’m excited to reveal that I am working on my next poetry collection: Do What You Love… I will share more about this soon!

Also, I’m delighted to be a contributing author in Poetry Treasures 2: Relationships compiled and edited by Kaye Lynne Booth and Robbie Cheadle.

Portugal Travels: October – Faro and Olhao

Photos from my recent trip to Portugal.

Missing the sunshine!

My hubby isn’t keen on getting his photo taken so I found a new photo beau at O Castelo restaurant near Faro!

View from O Castelo
View from O castelo

Isn’t it so calm and tranquil?

As you can see from that flirtatious movement in my skort, (photo below) I enjoyed the sunshine no end!


Photos above were taken in Olhao. Loving it!